
  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 2015
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别碰,报告city,他们会派专业人员查看。 儿子summer camp附近也有,据说已经报告city,这周末就会有专业人员查看。

我感觉CITY已经知道到处都有, 但根本没精力清除.

好象CITY的态度是说, 大家别碰啊, 再过几个星期它就枯萎了 ...
我感觉CITY已经知道到处都有, 但根本没精力清除.

好象CITY的态度是说, 大家别碰啊, 再过几个星期它就枯萎了 ...


这个是我早上在St Cecilia小学门口拍的. 有孩子在那上学的赶紧行动.

我儿子过两天就不去了 ... :)
这种草一直有,只不过出现了some people被burn了,于是就从普通杂草升级到毒草了,一个个谈草色变~~~ 以前都不知道摸多少次了
这种草一直有,只不过出现了some people被burn了,于是就从普通杂草升级到毒草了,一个个谈草色变~~~ 以前都不知道摸多少次了

据说摸没事, 有毒的是里面的汁 ...
这种草一直有,只不过出现了some people被burn了,于是就从普通杂草升级到毒草了,一个个谈草色变~~~ 以前都不知道摸多少次了

从这个解释看:这个所谓的毒草多年来一直被eruasia 当食物?


While the root of the parsnip is edible, handling the shoots and leaves of the plant requires caution as the sap is toxic.[34] Like many other members of the family Apiaceae, the parsnip contains five furanocoumarins as a defense against parsnip webworm (Depressaria pastinacella),[35]photosensitive chemical that causes a condition known as phytophotodermatitis.[34] The condition is a type of chemical burn rather than an allergic reaction, and is similar to the rash caused by poison ivy. Symptoms include redness, burning, and blisters. Afflicted areas can remain discolored for up to two years.[36] Although there have been some reports of gardeners experiencing toxic symptoms after coming into contact with foliage,[37] these have been small in number compared to the number of people that grow the crop. The problem is most likely to occur on a sunny day when gathering foliage or pulling up old plants that have gone to seed. The symptoms have mostly been mild to moderate.[38]

碰也没事, CITY说了, 别碰出液体 .


从这个解释看:这个所谓的毒草多年来一直被eruasia 当食物?


While the root of the parsnip is edible, handling the shoots and leaves of the plant requires caution as the sap is toxic.[34] Like many other members of the family Apiaceae, the parsnip contains five furanocoumarins as a defense against parsnip webworm (Depressaria pastinacella),[35]photosensitive chemical that causes a condition known as phytophotodermatitis.[34] The condition is a type of chemical burn rather than an allergic reaction, and is similar to the rash caused by poison ivy. Symptoms include redness, burning, and blisters. Afflicted areas can remain discolored for up to two years.[36] Although there have been some reports of gardeners experiencing toxic symptoms after coming into contact with foliage,[37] these have been small in number compared to the number of people that grow the crop. The problem is most likely to occur on a sunny day when gathering foliage or pulling up old plants that have gone to seed. The symptoms have mostly been mild to moderate.[38]