


4、参与难民救助计划;可Email refugeesponsorship@cmacan.org 索取有关信息;
5、和已经资助了难民家庭的教会同工;请电邮 refugeesponsorship@cmacan.org 索取你所在地参与难民资助计划的教会列表。

My church wants to respond. What can I do?
  1. Pray for the millions of refugees, for relief efforts of churches and aid agencies in the Middle East and Europe, and for churches in Canada assisting refugees in resettlement.
  2. Provide funds to the C&MA Syria Emergency Relief Fund. Donations to this fund will be used to provide relief for refugees in the Middle East and Europe. (We will be participating in the Canadian Government’s matching program where, for every dollar donated by individual Canadians up until December 31, 2015, the government will set aside one dollar for their Syria Emergency Relief Fund).
  3. Provide funds to the C&MA Refugee Fund. Donations to this fund will be used to assist churches in Canada that are sponsoring refugees.
  4. Participate in refugee sponsorship. Email refugeesponsorship@cmacan.org for an information package.
  5. Partner with a church that is sponsoring a refugee family.
    Email refugeesponsorship@cmacan.org for a list of participating churches in your area.
Donate to Syrian Relief
Donate to Refugee Fund (Sponsorship)


2.9 How is a match made between a sponsoring group and a refugee?
There are two ways to achieve a match between a sponsoring group and a refugee.

1) Sponsor-referred: The sponsoring group puts forward the name of a refugee or refugee family it is interested in sponsoring. The group may have obtained the referral from an overseas contact, a friend, the relative of a member of the organization or elsewhere. Sponsorship Agreement Holders/Constituent Groups, Groups of Five and Community Sponsors submit the sponsorship application on behalf of the sponsor-referred refugee to the CPO-W.

A group that would like to refer a refugee applicant for sponsorship should:

  • consider whether or not the person is likely to be eligible for the private sponsorship program. (See Who may be sponsored? and Who may not be sponsored?) Ineligible applicants will be refused;
  • determine whether the person has relatives or friends in Canada. In most cases, refugees should be resettled in their relative's community.
2) Visa office-referred: The Matching Centre at CIC national headquarters in Ottawa administers an inventory of visa office-referred (VOR) cases that have already been selected but for which CIC works to find a private sponsor to match with the refugee identified initially by the United Nations Refugee Agency. VOR cases are normally ready to travel to Canada within one to four months of being matched with a sponsor. However, delays may occur in some travel-ready cases because of problems in arranging exit permits, travel documents, etc. Once the sponsorship is signed, the local Citizenship and Immigration Centre works with the Matching Centre and the visa office to provide the sponsor with more accurate information regarding departure and arrival dates, as well as any particular settlement needs that might exist in transit and in the first few weeks after the refugees have arrived in Canada.

Please refer to section 3. Additional Sponsorship Opportunities for more information on VORs, including the Blended VOR (BVOR) program.


The C&MA's response.

What have we been doing?

We have been a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada since February 2012, encouraging Alliance Churches to engage in refugee sponsorship. To date, more than 40 Alliance Churches are somewhere in the process of sponsoring refugees.
宣道会在黎巴嫩、约旦难民营有事工、在伊拉克有4间教会(在穆苏尔的教会估计已经遭到破坏)。参与难民救助的弟兄姊妹也在向当地人传福音 - 他们不能向难民发放圣经和其它福音资料,但当地人可以“偷”走这些资料。

Joanne Beach, Director of Alliance Justice and Compassion, travelled to Lebanon and Jordan in December 2013 to visit refugees both in and outside the camps that local Alliance churches have been ministering to.

Read Joanne's blog post.

Dave Hearn, President of the C&MA in Canada, travelled to Iraq in October 2014 and then made a video encouraging churches to respond to displaced people in the Middle East with radical hospitality. Watch his video now. (His challenge to sponsor refugees comes at around 2:50).

Dave Hearn, President of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, shares about God's Light changing lives in the midst of the darkness of the humanitarian crisis facing many in Iraq and Syria. He also shares practical ways that we, together, can be the Church, reaching people with his love, through generosity, hospitality and prayer.

Read more details and stories about how we've been graced by God to respond.
We have been a Sponsorship Agreement Holder (SAH) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada since February 2012, encouraging Alliance Churches to engage in refugee sponsorship. To date, more than 40 Alliance Churches are somewhere in the process of sponsoring refugees.
加拿大福音教会协会(Evangelical Fellowship of Canada)的中东难民资助计划

Middle East Refugees Resettlement Initiative



1. Why would our congregation become involved in the Middle East Refugees Resettlement Initiative?
2. My congregation would like to get involved in resettling refugees from Syria and Iraq. What do I do now?
3. How can I help my congregation prepare to welcome refugees
4. Are there other congregations in our area with whom we could collaborate in resettling refugees in our community?
马太福音 25

31 “当人子在他的荣耀中,与所有的 g天使一起来临的时候,他那时就要坐在他荣耀的宝座上。 32 万民都将被召集到他面前。他要把他们互相分别,就像牧人把绵羊从山羊中分别出来那样, 33 把绵羊放在他的右边,山羊放在左边。34 那时王要对在他右边的人说:‘来吧,蒙我父所祝福的人哪,来继承创世以来已经为你们所预备好的国度吧!

35 因为我饿了,你们给我吃;



36 我衣不蔽体,你们给我穿;



37 “那时义人将回答说:‘主啊,我们什么时候见你饿了就给你吃,见你渴了就给你喝呢? 38 我们什么时候见你在异乡就收留了你,见你衣不蔽体就给你穿呢? 39 又什么时候见你患病或在监狱里,就到你那里去呢?’

40 “王要回答他们,说:‘我确实地告诉你们:你们为我这些弟兄中最小的一个所做的事,就是为我做了。’ 41 那时王要对在左边的人说:‘你们这些被诅咒的人!离开我!进到那已经为魔鬼和他的使者们所预备好的永远的火里去!

42 因为我饿了,你们没有给我吃;


43 我在异乡时,你们没有收留我;



44 “那时他们也要回答说:‘主啊,我们什么时候见你饿了,或渴了,或在异乡,或衣不蔽体,或患了病,或在监狱里,而没有服事你呢?’

45 “那时王要回答他们,说:‘我确实地告诉你们:你们没有为我这些弟兄中最小的一个所做的事,也就是没有为我做。’

46 “结果这些人将离去,进入永远的刑罚。然而,义人将进入永恒的生命。”
100000 Christians fled ISIL onslaught on Mosul in one night

Given an ultimatum to convert to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL’s) brutal brand of Islam or be executed, 100,000 Christians left their homes and belongings behind and fled the Iraqi city of Mosul in just one night.

Father Douglas Bazi recounted how the Christians were desperate to escape ISIL’s “genocidal” campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Father Douglas Bazi

“Overnight 100,000 people escaped from Mosul and escaped from ISIL. When they arrived and took over Mosul they told the people we have three conditions according to Sharia,” Bazi told Express.co.uk.

“Number one was convert.

“The second was to pay Jizya (Islamic taxes) and they asked for each person to pay 4,000 to 8,000 US dollars.

“Third, they said you have to leave or you will be beheaded.”

Bazi also described how ISIL’s jihadists routinely torture anyone who speaks out against them and regularly use girl sex slaves to pay for basic services including medical care.

ISIL forced anyone who remained in Mosul to pay an Islamist tax that amount to more than the yearly salary of the average Iraqi. Those who could not afford the tax were executed.

“Before 2003 we were two million Christians in Iraq. Now we are maybe 180,000,” Bazi said. “At least 1,800 Christians have been killed since 2003 in Iraq. That’s why the people are afraid.”

As ISIL took control of Mosul, Bazi also said that Muslims quickly turned against their Christian neighbors.

Bazi described on instance: “The Muslim guy, he went to the Christian’s door and knocked and said ‘did you hear about the decree, the announcement is to leave in 24 hours by Allah’s name, and if I see you here tomorrow I’m going to kill you because I have the right to take your home.’ ”

Bazi told Express.co.uk that “ISIS are the third generation of radical Islam.

“The first was Al Qaida. If Al Qaida saw an American soldier and he was distributing candy to the kids, the Al Qaida sniper is forbidden to shoot him because the kids might get hurt.

“[Former Al Qaida leader] Musab al-Zarqawi was the second generation. He said don’t worry, shoot him and if you’re going to kill the kids don’t worry about them because those kids are going to be angels in heaven.

“The third generation is ISIL. They said kill the Muslims, not just the infidels. They started with killing the Muslims that aren’t according to Sharia, so imagine how they look at us.”
Updated Training Information from the Refugee Response Team
Nov. 27/15
Dear leader,

We have had an overwhelming response to the challenge we issued on Tuesday this week. Congregations are at all stages in their plans to help Syrian and Northern Iraqi refugees who will soon be among us. It is estimated that in the next few months we will receive between 1000-2000 in our own city. Maybe even more.

We are partnering with the city-wide effort - Refugee613 wherever possible. This notice is to update you on two kinds of training they are offering over the next weeks. You will need to register through the Eventbrite links below. Registration is free.

Refugee Sponsorship 101
For those who are having exploratory conversations with their congregation and are trying to understand the basics of private sponsorship. These workshops will give you a good grasp on your next steps and help understand the overall process of sponsoring a family, and possibly forming a sponsorship group with others in the community.
Register here for one of the two dates in December.
Refugee Sponsorship 201
For those who have moved ahead on sponsorship and already have a team in place, these trainings will give more specific help on different ways to sponsor a family, while going over the different responsibilities attached, ethics and group dynamics, as well as the different resources available in the community to help.

The Metropolitan Bible Church met with city leaders to be able to host this 201 training event on December 4th. We are encouraging other church teams to focus on this location and date if possible so that we can engage in conversation together. If you are not available this day, the other locations will be hosting the same trainings. For this training, they are asking for only a few members (2-3) from each team since space will be limited. Register here

Please RSVP at the "Register here" links above to make sure your spot is reserved, and they can plan accordingly at the different sites.
yours in Christ,
Ted McGregor
Gerry Organ
Richard Long


Good news!

The Syrian family that we hope to sponsor has passed pre-screening by the CMAC and we have been told that our request can move forward to the next step which is a more formal application for sponsorship.

This is an answer to prayer.

Many thanks to all of you for stepping up.

In Christ