
I never felt that way. I think it does not matter who won you are the one always feel your are on the 2nd class. :)
By the way, I read so many of your posts in recent days and I really did not get any valuable points. At least my children will have less chance to be stoned to deaths or be headed or died in a car bomb which I think that's your kids gonna face to.
I never felt that way. I think it does not matter who won you are the one always feel your are on the 2nd class. :)
By the way, I read so many of your posts in recent days and I really did not get any valuable points. At least my children will have less chance to be stoned to deaths or be headed or died in a car bomb which I think that's your kids gonna face to.
All Canadian citizens used to have the same citizenship rights no matter what their origin,” B.C. Civil Liberties Association Executive Director Josh Paterson said at a news conference.

“We were all equal under the law. Now this new law has divided us into classes of citizens: those with more rights and those — overwhelmingly immigrants to Canada and their children and grandchildren —who have fewer rights.
人无远虑必有近忧。你翻来覆去就这么几句。真跟你说不出个三六九来。真心不是100%支持保守党。但是三个坏苹果总要选一个好一点的。小杜真心是个花花公子。他说的我是一个字都不信。 NDP的还好点。但外交和经济上也是信不过。不如留个有经验的。 坏也坏不到哪去了。

All Canadian citizens used to have the same citizenship rights no matter what their origin,” B.C. Civil Liberties Association Executive Director Josh Paterson said at a news conference.

“We were all equal under the law. Now this new law has divided us into classes of citizens: those with more rights and those — overwhelmingly immigrants to Canada and their children and grandchildren —who have fewer rights.
人无远虑必有近忧。你翻来覆去就这么几句。真跟你说不出个三六九来。真心不是100%支持保守党。但是三个坏苹果总要选一个好一点的。小杜真心是个花花公子。他说的我是一个字都不信。 NDP的还好点。但外交和经济上也是信不过。不如留个有经验的。 坏也坏不到哪去了。

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said Thursday that his former campaign co-chair Dan Gagnier's letter to a number of people pushing for the Energy East pipeline to be built was "inappropriate," and that Gagnier has decided to step down from Trudeau's team for the "long-term future."

Trudeau said that due to his connections to people in the energy industry, Gagnier was never involved in shaping Liberal energy policy but rather held an advisory role, and his voluntary resignation showed accountability.

"We are well aware of the challenge of perceptions in politics and of the challenges the Liberal party has had to address in the past," Trudeau said.

"That's why we took immediate action to say that this action was unacceptable, inappropriate and Mr. Gagnier fully assumes the responsibility for his actions and stepped down."