How I got this iconic photo of Pierre and Justin Trudeau

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Photographer Rod MacIvor recalls the day he snapped an unforgettable photo of the boy who grew up to be Canada’s new prime minister

I followed the Trudeau family around from 1970 to 1980 as the UPI news agency’s Ottawa bureau photographer — and it was never boring. I was like a ‘White House Photographer’ but in Ottawa, with Trudeau as my main subject.

With Trudeau, we photographers always had to be on our toes. We never knew what to expect from him.

On August 10, 1973 Trudeau hosted a garden party at Government House, across the street from his 24 Sussex residence, for heads of state from all the Commonwealth countries. It was the wrap-up party after a long and tiring week of meetings.

I had hoped to put my cameras down at the office and go have some fun, but as the junior man on the UPI staff, I was chosen to be duty photographer for the event. I was not a happy camper.

As the media waited for the prime minister to arrive, keeping an eye on the driveway for his car, we noticed a group of people crossing the lawn from Sussex Drive. It was Pierre Trudeau and a small entourage, walking over from his house. RCMP inspector Denis Ling was waiting for them and saluted as they came closer. Trudeau picked Justin up and put him under his arm — his saluting arm, as it happened.

The sly look he gave to Mr. Ling … Justin’s wide-eyed stare … I pressed the shutter, and the moment was over.

Those were the days of manual cameras with no autofocus, no zoom lenses — and film. I had no idea if I got a good exposure or captured the expressions I’d seen through the lens. I couldn’t wait to get back to the office and process the film.

I took a few more shots of some of the heads of state with the Prime Minister and of Justin running around the tent, but I was itching to get out of there. I knew nothing was going to be better than the ‘salute’ photo.

The photo was processed and I liked it. I transmitted the photo to our Canadian and American clients and waited to see who would use it the next day.

The Ottawa Citizen was the only paper that used it in Canada, and it played on the front page. That gave me a good clipping to enter the National Newspaper Awards later that year. I soon forgot all about the contest, so when I got a call saying I had won the NNA’s Best Feature Photo for 1973, I was pleasantly surprised.

Trudeau autographed a print for me.

Decades passed, but the photo came to life again in 2008. That year, The Beaver magazine (now called Canada’s History) selected it as one of 10 photos that ‘changed Canada.’ Judges said the photo defined Trudeau’s image as a family man.

The photo was also used on the cover of the first edition of Nancy Southam’s book, Pierre. The publisher wanted a vertical photo, so they were going to crop out the salute (which many American newspapers had also done when the photo first appeared). I convinced the publishers to use the whole image, with the salute appearing on the back cover, wrapping around to the front image. They loved it.

The iconic picture was featured in my Trudeau photo exhibit, which attracted 20,000 people across the country after Pierre Trudeau’s death.

And now, a photo that was taken 42 years ago has another new life as the boy under his father’s arm becomes prime minister himself. A photojournalist could never hope for more.

Rod MacIvor was a photojournalist for 38 years at UPI and the Ottawa Citizen. He’s retired and lives in Ottawa.

