最初由 Navy Zhang 发布
Respond to Chairman Mao's summonning catchword "Exceed England, Catch up with USA.", 1957.
I'm proud of origin from Hunan, where same Great Chairman Mao from. This for the 110th anniversary of Chairman Mao's birth.
-- Navy Zhang, China
Haselbauer-Dickheiser Test for Exceptional Intelligence
1. Andrew Nierman (USA) 22 out of 25 answered correctly
1. Navy Zhang (China) 22 out of 25 answered correctly
2. Hakan Yilmaz (England) 21 out of 25 answered correctly
3. Carvin Toy (Canada) 21 out of 25 answered correctly
4. Donald L. Keith (USA) 20 out of 25 answered correctly
5. Denis Colassin (Belgium) 19 out of 25 answered correctly
6. Loh Zhi Jun (Singapore) 18 out of 25 answered correctly
7. David von Bargen (USA) 16 out of 25 answered correctly
8. Ga轸an Polard (France) 16 out of 25 answered correctly
9. Erik Smeets (Canada) 15 out of 25 answered correctly
10. Stefan Lindberg (Sweden) 15 out of 25 answered correctly