(1) 至少比我年长三岁,懂人情世故,会照顾别人和比较细心。
(2) 加拿大人,拥有加国永久居留身份。
(3) 会说流利英文,会说粤语。
(4) 有上进心,有孝心,有善心,有事业心。
(5) 感情专一,不轻浮,不撒谎。
(6) 拥有事业或家境富有。
(7) 能谈及婚姻,对婚姻拥有美好的看法。
(8) 有耐性,能接受我的考验。
(9) 珍惜朋友和关心自己的人。
(10) 家庭第一。
you can see those requirements so picky:
1,should be 24 years old
2,located people
3,trilingual languages
4,richman or has good job, once you lose them later, then devoce is waiting for you.
5,must be sb to wait for her all the time
Even though I am qualified with all those requirements, I will be never available for this kind of gril at all.
This is a really stupid post here. I don't know condition what this gril has, if not, how can you ask those conditions for your partner? Now you are not looking for real love, just for your lazy life without hardworking.