全都基本全新 没怎么翻过
ECON1000旧版 虽然是旧版但其实只有排版不一样 内容全都一样。 课本加练习册都在 四本只要40
Microeconomics 只要25
PSYC 只要40 书+练习册+学习光碟
COMM:The shallows 8块
Computerig A concise history 12块
when old technologies were new 22块
Residual Media 20块
the media gaze 30块
About Canada Health and illness 12块
WGST Women's realities, women's choices 20块
政治 Global Politcal Economy 40块
哲学 Logic (Greg Restall) 15块
ECON1000旧版 虽然是旧版但其实只有排版不一样 内容全都一样。 课本加练习册都在 四本只要40
Microeconomics 只要25
PSYC 只要40 书+练习册+学习光碟
COMM:The shallows 8块
Computerig A concise history 12块
when old technologies were new 22块
Residual Media 20块
the media gaze 30块
About Canada Health and illness 12块
WGST Women's realities, women's choices 20块
政治 Global Politcal Economy 40块
哲学 Logic (Greg Restall) 15块