但是Broadview PS的评分只有7.1,我看了原始分数,也就是3左右?You should consider:
Broadview Public School in Westboro area
- It is closer to Ottawa University than Kanata or Barhaven, 15K closer to say the least for one way.
- School is "dual track": provides both English and French Immersion education
- Gifted program within the school, if your child tested gifted later on, she does not need to move school
- The school is from JK to Gr.8 which gives her a longer period of stable environment vs. Kanata elementary schools are only up to Gr.6
Westboro is a good neighborhood to move into and convenient for living.
那边English regular 去的是 Roland Micherner PS,这个好像评分是4.1?学校好且华人多容易适应
Westboro的几个学校都不错, Broadview PS, Hilson PS.但是Broadview PS的评分只有7.1,我看了原始分数,也就是3左右?
Westboro的几个学校都不错, Broadview PS, Hilson PS.
Glebe也应该考虑, First Ave PS 跟Boardview PS 一样都是老牌好校。
First Ave 我真的想去啊。。。其实我之前当时的首选是First Ave,就是Glebe那带,还有就是hopewell Ave PS的学区old ottawa south。。。。。但是这两个区基本不出房子啊。。。。330和350 Queen Elizabeth Dr这两栋公寓都打电话发邮件去问了好几次, 就是没有空房。