请妈妈们帮忙 - 关于学区

Westboro近Transit way有几栋appartment buidings,但是不招学生,如果有人给你co-sign的话,是非常好的选择。需要地址的话,可以send me qqh。
Glebe有小栋appartment building ( 3-4 storages)出租,可惜我没有电话给你。
渥太华其实没有几个差校。避开Vanier, South Keys, Bayshore, and part of downtown cores 这几个 areas, 问题就不大了。上学租房和工作买房是不一样的。Kanata 和Barrhave 这两个区,华人多是不差,但commute绝对是个killer,冬天单程一个小时是常事情。个人体验,Glebe and Westboro这两个'hood,不论是从生活方便还是居民结构,都有新区没有的优势。这两个区都有非常好的Community Centre,孩子的after school program就有保障。
这两个区都很白,但有很强的兼容性。我一好友当年是Glebe唯一一黑人家庭,也是从Ele.school一直上到高中,没有遇到什么适应不适应的问题,用她的话说," The kids in the Glebe are from quite liberal familes. They have seen the world。这就是我前面说的,学校所在的'hood 影响。

Good luck!
Can't agree more. Winter in Ottawa can be long and harsh. When you have kid, it is so not worth to spend long time commuting.
那边English regular 去的是 Roland Micherner PS,这个好像评分是4.1?
Kanata Lakes 只有很小一部分是去那所学校,大部分是W. Erskine Johnston Public School。这个在Kanata是排第一的。不在WEJ学区内的房价明显低一截。要注意查清楚。
Can't agree more. Winter in Ottawa can be long and harsh. When you have kid, it is so not worth to spend long time commuting.

渥太华其实没有几个差校。避开Vanier, South Keys, Bayshore, and part of downtown cores 这几个 areas, 问题就不大了。上学租房和工作买房是不一样的。Kanata 和Barrhave 这两个区,华人多是不差,但commute绝对是个killer,冬天单程一个小时是常事情。个人体验,Glebe and Westboro这两个'hood,不论是从生活方便还是居民结构,都有新区没有的优势。这两个区都有非常好的Community Centre,孩子的after school program就有保障。
这两个区都很白,但有很强的兼容性。我一好友当年是Glebe唯一一黑人家庭,也是从Ele.school一直上到高中,没有遇到什么适应不适应的问题,用她的话说," The kids in the Glebe are from quite liberal familes. They have seen the world。这就是我前面说的,学校所在的'hood 影响。

Good luck!
Well, nothing more than gun shots, drugs, Somalia refugees and tons of public housing.
I forgot to mention another area to avoid, Carlington.
Well, nothing more than gun shots, drugs, Somalia refugees and tons of public housing.
I forgot to mention another area to avoid, Carlington.

你好!我刚看的你的关于在westboro附近学区房的帖子,我们刚到ottawa, 正在找房子,请问你方便给我“Westboro近Transit way有几栋appartment buidings”的地址吗?谢谢!
To answer Ally and Busy:

The ones in Westboro are called Island Park Tower(s). Big buildings and very easy to get to transit way.

The appt buildings in the Glebe, they don't have names. You would need to go to the Glebe and physically look for them. They are 4-5 storage buildings on fifth and fourth ave. I lived in the Glebe several years ago and knew the 'hood well.

Good luck!
个人非常赞同Chewy关于学区的选择的建议。关于公寓的:Island Park Towers,我去年帮朋友查的时候,看网上review说有虫,朋友就不肯去看了,不知是否真实。另外一个高层公寓是Plaza Towers,是上Braodview的,交通极其方便。另外再往西一点沿着Byron街一直到Woodroffe有些 low rise 的公寓,英语都是上Broadview。
个人非常赞同Chewy关于学区的选择的建议。关于公寓的:Island Park Towers,我去年帮朋友查的时候,看网上review说有虫,朋友就不肯去看了,不知是否真实。另外一个高层公寓是Plaza Towers,是上Braodview的,交通极其方便。另外再往西一点沿着Byron街一直到Woodroffe有些 low rise 的公寓,英语都是上Broadview。
Island park towers 我几年前住过, 好处是1)交通方便;2)安静 他们不接受学生的。我本人没有遇到有虫的情况,对他们的管理也算满意。但是appt和house还是有区别的,所以expectation要实际一点。