NWBO: Once In A Decade Best Stock Investment -- Regulatory Approvals Coming! [Dec10, 2022 在第一页加了中文简述]

“Astonishing” results for brain tumour vaccine trial

Brain Tumour Research

18 November 2022
Following being published in the high impact science journal JAMA Oncology, The Guardian has reported on a global clinical trial which has concluded that the world’s first vaccine to treat glioblastoma can potentially give patients years of extra life.

According to the paper the breakthrough could benefit the 2,500 people a year in the UK who are diagnosed with glioblastoma (GBM) who live on average just 12-18 months after diagnosis.

Professor Keyoumars Ashkan, a neurosurgeon at King’s College hospital in London who was the European chief investigator of the trial said: “The final results of this phase three trial … offer fresh hope to patients battling with glioblastoma.”

The vaccine “was shown to prolong life and interestingly so in patients traditionally considered to have poorer prognosis” he added, such as older people and people for whom surgery was not an option.

If approved by medical regulators, the vaccine, DCVax, would be the first new treatment in 17 years for newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients and the first in 27 years for people in whom it had returned.

The Guardian approached Brain Tumour Research for comment on this news and Dr Karen Noble our Director of Research, Policy and Innovation said:

“Now this vaccine trial data have been peer-reviewed and published in a scientific journal the pathway should be set up for a route to the bedside of more patients who have been starved of new clinical options for too long.

“DCVax-L represents the first emerging therapy proven effective in treating GBM since temozolomide chemotherapy in 2005 and what the brain tumour community hopes is for it to be affordable, possibly becoming standard of care - so available on the NHS."

Related Reading:

UK production for GBM vaccine begins
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Now the ball in the court of American mainstream media which is slowly and inevitably being forced to throw off the shackles of big $ control (biotech mafia). Much catching up work to do.

Northwest Biotherapeutics Reports Positive Top-Line Results From Phase 3 Trial of DCVax®-L for Glioblastoma​

Published: Nov. 18, 2022 at 7:14 a.m. ET

Annie has a reputation of exaggeration, but it's true that the JAMA paper was indeed accepted for publication in August. The fact the company has not hired anyone for years and even not bothered to beautify its rudimental website... all lead to buyout speculation.

The management team has either over the retirement age or one or two years short. The manufacturing has been contracted out and now ready for commercial production, though still waiting for certificate which may come on any day.

One thing seems to be certain is the company will be most likely acquired by a big pharm, such as Merck. The only uncertainty is when. The closer to regulatory approval the better the price of a buyout.

I don't bother myself on when, since I have held and will continue to hold my large position until whatever happens. GL!

Most people don't know the existence of this company or don't understand its potential. At $1.15 per shares (roughly $1.1billion market cap) the price is at rock bottom. Going forward, the upside is unlimited while the downside is the company may have to raise funds in a diluted way. All in all, compared with its upside news such as increased awareness, partnerships, commercial manufacturing license for EU countries (its counterpart for the US and Canadian markets is already ready at Charles River (previous Cognate)), lawsuits against stock manipulators, BLA applications for approvals, launch of new trials for new indications with DCVax-L (Brand Name: Murcidencel) and DCVax-D, buyout, the downside will be minimal, and if arranged appropriately, the downside may be in and of itself a catalyst for further appreciation of share price.

One thing for certain is that with this highly-educated, experienced and seasoned management team (check out the beautiful and solid resumes of the management team), we are in a good hand, that means the price for partnerships or buyouts for any potential suitors may not be as average as most may expected, and it will be more than average. So a buyout price of $30 per share may be conservative which will be also dependent on when that will happen of course.

DCVax technology is a platform technology protected with over a hundred of worldwide patents. Indeed good days ahead for investors and particularly for those who are unfortunately having cancers.




没想到能遇上投资NWBO的同道Chinese,看到Danish Dude的twit,就过来了。

我是在2012年初注意上NWBO的,当时也投了一点点IMUC,可惜that one failed。那时候AF之类就在target和贬低NWBO的DCVax为grapefruit juice了,为示愤怒,我曾在seeking alpha与ihub上发言。后来,打击越来越严重,股票也大幅下滑,只好卖股票走人,但留了两万美金买的leap call (2017年底过期)。

实在共鸣NWBO背后的science,贼心不死,2016 年底又开始买进NWBO。由于敌对势力太嚣张,不敢一把买进,只好慢慢进,并且采用了buy on the up news的momentum strategy (bad choice in hindsight),但于2019年前,也已经进了50万股,平均每股三毛。

2020年下半年,TLD和flaskworks news起来,形势好转很多,以为会风平浪静,于是average up加码,最高进价好像过$1.5,每股平均也被弄高了,好在依旧一块钱以下。不曾想,AF一伙依旧在持续碾压NWBO, 尤其今年五月,心痛。Anyway,三次NWBO到$2,我都没卖股,回头看,也是bad strategy,应该学楼主卖了再进的。

只希望今后NWBO风调雨顺,either partner or BO,我都赞成,只要我能proud with我的投资。说实话,花在NWBO上的时间,早超过拿PhD文凭花的时间了。猜想楼主hold的shares比我还要多,楼主更有理由proud。

还有,佩服楼主持之以恒与胆量,我根本不敢推荐NWBO给同学朋友同事,只与两三个人说过,一个朋友在最低点买了几万股。记得16年还是17年,有人也在大千股票推荐过NWBO,不料被无情讽刺。NWBO如此rough and political,我也应该感谢没给推荐,否则朋友成仇,背后挨骂根本免不了。

不再八卦耽搁二位时间了,Good Luck to all of us. Happy Holidays!
Welcome onboard investor2013 and congratulations!

Ever since my mom died from cancer in early 2000s, I have paid specific attention to companies which may find a cure for cancers. I came across Northwest Biotherapeutics in early 2010s and has impressed with its potential ever since. Then I came across Larry Smith's analysis about the four most promising small biotecvh companies in pursuit of conquering one of the most deadest cancers, aka GBM ie Glioblastoma (most aggressive form of brain tumors). Those companies are IMUC, CLDX, NWBO and CYTR.

I didn't put a penny down in other three companies except NWBO after carefully studied all four companies and despite Wall Street's huge pump on CLDX at the time spearheaded by AF, and CLDX later receiving bullish FDA "Breakthrough Therapy" designation. So I guess I was lucky not lose any money in those three now known failed companies. [meaning their respective GBM trials have all failed despite the company may still be operational].

Before NWBO received the first time ever German Hospital Exemption (HE) designation, and first UK Promising Innovative Medicine designation, I had mostly traded the stock, not confident enough to hold a long position.

After both HE and UK Promising Innovation Medicine Designations, I am certain this is the one I would stick around for a long term until regulatory approvals. Then all it comes is a fearful roller coaster ride we have all now known so well, seeing share price as high as +$12 but mostly in the penny land for quite a long time, longer than I have ever imagined. During this period, I have bought shares at prices as high as $7, and as low as $0.14. Sell some occasionally but in the end i have always ended up with more shares.

Today, despite validation with publication in JAMA, the road ahead may still be long, at least for me, and the road may not be as smooth as I would expect as the short will definitely launch counterattacks. In addition, regulatory approvals haven't cast in stone yet despite the results which have been well received by the world of oncology, patient advacy groups and the investment world in general. In the real world, anything could happen. So a bit of caution is warranted.

It's honored to have fellow investors, particularly our fellow Chinese investors going through this track to success together!

Thank you for your story.

IMUC failure 让我知道,CLDX也会fail,所以我根本没投CLDX,只是后悔没去short。IMUC trial targeted 6 antigens,但为了招病人方便,降低了要求,结果造成failure。如果病人有四个以上matching antigens,trial其实是成功的,IMUC的failure让人遗憾。如果我没记错的话,CLDX只target一个antigen,对于highly heterogeneous mutated gbm来说,只有failure。

对,尤其不喜欢AF之流的pump and dump,记得微博上的金融女都在推荐CLDX,我心想,“small biotech 那么treacherous,你一个非biomedical background之人,如何知道能成功?!”, 于是明白了,肯定会是pump and dump,网络上的糊涂中国人,就是被革的韭菜。


也感谢楼主的提醒,不知AF那帮人,往后又会折腾什么蛾子呢。这几天原本还在想,是否该向同学朋友推荐NWBO了,楼主的提醒让我决定还是不要去推了,AF他们实在powerful,不可轻视。在holding NWBO的情绪低点时,我都只能安慰自已,若投资泡了汤,就当成是给cancer research做donation了。与楼主妈妈类似,我可伶的父亲死于胃癌。

investor2013 agree on your analysis of the four companies mentioned. Yes IMUC might be a success story as you very well put out.

AF and his employer Statnews have recently faced a firestorm of investors who want them to retract their false, misleading piece published shortly after 10 May presentation at NYAS. On that day alone, about $1.5billion value was wiped out from company's market cap. But fortunately I was lucky enough to add 6 figure shares to my already large position at the low prices that day. Since then I have personaly written numerous requests demanding their retraction and apology.

As the results now validated by the world prestigious top medical journal, and the hint the company considered to launch lawsuits against 3rd party stock manipulators as of 30 September, I personally feel the short may have finally be decapitated. They have definitely been fighting back but imo the fight may be focused on how to stage a "orderly" retreat. But if the rumor the short has collectively had over a 200 million of naked shorted shares, then the fight will be ugly because it's simply no way the short can stage an orderly retreat. In this case, get some dry powder ready, there may be opportunities to add more.

Anyhow thank you and good luck!
MGMT methylated patients account for from 40-50% of all GBM patients so the conclusion in the above power-point slide is very significant, which means there is 20% chance that a patient with MGMT mythylated status can expect to live >5 years without cancer spreading.

BTW, I have just placed a protest and asked for retraction of its 10 May false and misleading hit piece against NWBO on Statnews website: Contact Us