NWBO: Once In A Decade Best Stock Investment -- Regulatory Approvals Coming! [Dec10, 2022 在第一页加了中文简述]

These ups and downs without news will continue until after the short, particularly the naked short start cover. The short have been digging a hole so large it cannot climb back on surface so they think it's wise to continue digging to prevent from being annihilated, but deep down they know they just delay their fate of total carnage!

In the past week, more than 10 million shares added to the total, which have absorbed by market pretty well. Note this happened before the last two days of shorts' success to bring down the price.

Overall, we are heading in a right direction. If funds permit, adding more!
Aimlessly this morning, so I revised and translated the catalysts listed a few days ago as follows:

$NWBO股价未来18个月内催化剂列表 (大致顺序排列)
1) 向英国MHRA MAA 提交申请
2) MHRA MAA 接受申请
3) 合伙协议公告。 MRK、REGN、Oncovir……?
4) 空头回补/挤压
5) 向美国FDA BLA 提交申请
6) 空头回补/挤压
7) 其他MA申请, 包括加拿大,德国,欧洲
8) 重回纳斯达克交易所, 或在纽约证券交易所/伦敦证券交易所上市
9) 空头挤压
10) Flaskworks 批准, 极大的增加产出,降低成本
11) 法庭驳回MTD动议
12) 宣布针对 DCVax-L 和 DCVax-Direct进行多项新的一篮子试验,以治疗多种其他实体瘤癌症,包括可手术和不可手术的癌症
13) MHRA 营销批准
14) 空头挤压
15) NICE 承保批准
16) 法院案件的大 规模和解,可能使用资金进行股票回购
17) 发布开创性组合试验结果(DCVax + Poly-ICLC;和 DCVax + Poly-ICLC + Keytruda)
18) SPORE 组合试验(DCVax + PD-1 + Poly-ICLC + CSFR-1)开始
19) FDA BLA 批准
20) 最后空头挤压,惨烈到无与伦比!!!!
21) 拜登癌症登月计划可能纳入并提供资金
22) 组合疗法专利批准
23) 标签外使用的大规模扩展
24) 实体瘤以外的树突状细胞治疗(病毒、细菌等......)
NWBio对七家做市商的诉讼赢面大增,将获得大额补偿/赔偿. 下面是我们同僚投资者,律师的分析:

Could not hold my finger, added shares today with $$$ supposed to by some dividend stocks such as cm, enb, but the pain in finance and utility sectors have not done yet due to higher, longer rate-caused problems.

Two things happen which may have positive implications for DCVax-L regulatory approvals and the stock price:

Broker-Dealers Can Be Held Primarily Liable For Failing To Fulfill Their “Gatekeeping Responsibilities” Of Monitoring Their Clients’ Trading Activities​


FDA’S ODAC Votes Yes to Eflornithine for Pediatric Neuroblastomas​

October 4, 2023

The underlining trial did not have its own control arm and instead presented external control data.


Developing Story Line: A Naked Short Covering Scheme
$NWBO When following a lawsuit it's interesting to see the different narratives put forth by the Defendant and Plaintiff. On the Plaintiff's side, $NWBO has a developing narrative that the spoofing is being done to cover short positions established through naked shorting. I will explore this narrative further. $NWBO's First Amended Complaint In $NWBO's First Amended Complaint ("FAC) there was no explicit mention of naked shorting. [1] The FAC simply stated that spoofing schemes drove down the share price allowing Defendants to purchase shares at artificially lower prices. Id. I believe $NWBO purposely kept any mention of naked shorting out of the FAC. Why? $NWBO wanted to draft a complaint that could survive a motion to dismiss. In Harrington, allegations related to naked shorting were dismissed. The Court stated: "Without any specific factual allegation that any Defendant failed to deliver shares following a short sale, the Complaint fails to allege that abusive naked short selling took place. Instead, it merely alleges that short selling took place at high volumes, and that naked short selling may have taken place, neither of which is, by itself, manipulative." [2] Essentially, claims of naked shorting were not going to survive a motion to dismiss. $NWBO's attorneys smartly kept any mention of naked shorting out of the FAC. $NWBO's Opposition Brief to Defendants' MTD While $NWBO's FAC avoided directly mentioning a naked short covering scheme, the subsequent filings spoke directly to this point. In Plaintiff's Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Defendants' Motion to Dismiss the Amended Complaint, $NWBO stated: "And like here, the plaintiff alleged that defendants sought to benefit from their spoofing by obtaining shares at below-market prices in order to cover short positions established through a related alleged scheme of naked short selling." [3] (emphasis added) A Naked Short Covering Scheme $NWBO is alleging a naked short covering scheme by Defendants. That begs the question, who is naked shorting? Broker-dealers are legally allowed to naked short for genuine market making activity. [4] The seven Defendants are broker dealers. Yet, two of the defendants, Lime and Instinet, claim to only trade on behalf of their clients. [5] The other five broker-dealers claim to trade on behalf of themselves and clients. Id. Hence, if NWBO's developing naked short covering storyline is true, there is likely some illegal actions being taken by, at minimum, the customers of Lime and Instinet, and likely the customers of all seven Defendants, not to mention the illegality being alleged against the broker-dealers in the FAC. We've seen information that these clients (usually hedge funds) take out substantial short positions on companies they believe will go bankrupt, thus never having to close out their short position. One such example is Melvin Capital. [6] Melvin Capital was a well known short/long hedge fund. From 2014-2020 they boasted annualized returns of 30%. Id. It appears a large percent of the Melvin Capital returns was related to their short positions. For example, in 2015 67% of returns came from its short positions. [7] In other words, the short positions of hedge funds can be significant. To that point, a great article by Larry Smith (
) explores the potential substantial short position Melvin Capital had in GME. Mr. Smith came up with some reasonable scenarios where "Melvin shorted the entire company once or even twice over." [8] Mr. Smith went on to opine that Melvin "could not have shorted this number of shares by borrowing them in a legal shorting maneuver." Id. The interest expenses for legally shorting this number of shares would have been astronomical, but by naked shorting, there would be no interest expense. Id. Final Thoughts The amount of spoofing occurring with NWBO is staggering. Harrington is alleging approximately 30 spoofing incidents. [5] $NWBO provided detailed information alleging a staggering 2,849 examples of spoofing. Id. Why are Defendants and/or their clients engaging in this sort of behavior? $NWBO claims that they are engaged in a naked short covering scheme. Do we know for certain that Defendants and/or their clients are engaged in a short covering scheme? No. Yet, no one spoofs (illegal conduct) in a vacuum. There is likely a financial reason behind such behavior. We've seen reasonable speculation that Melvin Capital was holding a short position in GME that was one or two times the number of legitimate GME shares. That is just one hedge fund. It appears multiple hedge funds and multiple broker-dealers are engaged in a naked short covering scheme with $NWBO. If $NWBO's storyline is true, how many naked shorts remain in $NWBO? This story is developing and if the lawsuit offers any additional insights on this point I'll be sure to let everyone know. [1]https://cohenmilstein.com/sites/default/files/NWBO%20v.%20Canaccord%20Amend.%20Complaint-%2004102023.pdf
[2]https://casetext.com/case/harrington-glob-opportunity-fund-v-cibc-world-mkts-corp [3]https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.590344/gov.uscourts.nysd.590344.123.0.pdf [4] https://sec.gov/investor/pubs/regsho.htm [5] Docket #127, https://courtlistener.com/docket/66579590/northwest-biotherapeutics-inc-v-canaccord-genuity-llc/ [6]https://cnn.com/2022/05/19/investing/melvin-capital-hedge-fund-closes/index.html [7]https://seekingalpha.com/news/3841116-the-rise-and-fall-of-melvin-capital-a-timeline [8]https://smithonstocks.com/could-there-have-been-hundreds-of-millions-or-even-more-than-a-billion-counterfeit-shares-of-northwest-biotherapeutics-created-through-illegal-naked-shorting/

6:24 PM · Oct 4, 2023
Typical Linda's way of managing a hugely promising company: Delayed, delayed and delayed. Well at least once again opportunity of getting some cheap shares.

Added last Friday and today. Due to Linda's blunder, the price is attractive.
As we know GBM, the most deadest form of brain cancer is very difficult to treat duo to partly with blood barrier which usual drugs cannot cross, after hundreds of trials of various treatment agents have failed in this endeavours conducted by both big pharmaceutics companies and small ones, one more failure is reported today without any of a surprise:

Also as the only GBM treatment (a device) approved by FDA over the last two decades, ie. the tumor treating field Optune has eventually met its fate due to its incomprehensible MOA, burdened/troublesome procedure, and measly improvement if any from apparently by-luck trial, savvy investors would understand more clearly NWBO DCVax-L will be the only one left for desperate GBM patients. So the question is: can regulatory agencies such as FDA ignores this hugely unmet needs for patients for not approve DCVax-L for treatting GBM? The answer should be clear imho.


