I Has begun career in advertising as a graphic designer in 1993. has worked as an animator in 1998. I worked as an artist since 2004. Journey from that humble beginning to the present position is a tale of many struggles, hard work and dedication. Worked in realm of art 30 years.
I graduated in Tianjin fine arts at Tianjin Fine arts University of China, my final degree is master of fine arts. I was also able to trace the evolution of new media. During this times I continued to work and paint using Chinese traditional media techniques with contemporary theme.
Before 1998 I had lived in China, where I worked as an graphic designer.
In 1998- 2004 I was living in Montreal, where I worked as an animator.
I moved to Ottawa in Feb 2016 as an artist. Now I live and work in Barrhaven.
Have joined many exhibitions which including the office of Parliament Hall.