4.8-km section of the Rideau canal now open for (bumpy) skating

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First the bad news: The Rideau Canal Skateway’s opening day ice reviews were not terrific.

“There’s cracks everywhere, I almost fell the whole time,” said Karen Lemaire, gesturing to a skater behind her who had hit a bump and was flailing her arms attempting to stay upright.

Now the almost universal good news: People were ecstatic that the skating season had begun on the iconic outdoor rink Saturday, with the addition of the downtown section on Sunday morning.

extra 400 metres downtown section opened at 8am btween Rideau and Laurier. https://t.co/wAvTBY1kzv #ottnews #RideauCanal pic.twitter.com/S6sPIBFOWV

— RideauCanalSkateway (@NCC_Skateway) January 15, 2017

So far, a 4.8-kilometre section of the skateway is now open, from Rideau Street to the Bronson Avenue Bridge, including Patterson Creek.

“We come out every day when it’s open,” said skater John Breaujacques, his impressive beard heavily coated in frost.

“It’s so wonderful to be out on the ice today,” echoed his partner, Claire Johnson.

And their baby, Emery, has been out on the ice almost since the day he was born.

“He’s been out over 100 times and he’s only two,” said Johnson.


Claire Johnson, John Breaujacques and baby Emery on the canal for the first day of the 2017 season. Elise Schulzke, Postmedia

Saturday morning dawned with the opening of a 4.4-kilometre stretch of the famous rink, between the Laurier and Bronson bridges, and thousands braved the chilly temperatures over the day to put the rink to the test.

It’s opening day! We have the worlds largest rink to ourselves! #rideaucanal pic.twitter.com/oGrHXG4XjE

— Duffy Monaghan (@Outdoor_Easy) January 14, 2017

Lemaire has been skating on the canal since it opened 47 years ago.

“I’m glad it’s finally open, it can only get better,” she added. “I’ve been trying to get my boss to have a board meeting on the canal.”

Glad to be out on the #RideauCanal @NCC_Skateway on this cold opening day
Bravo to those who bundled up and came out for a skate ! ?

— Ottawa Paramedic Svc (@OttawaParamedic) January 14, 2017

The entire 7.8-kilometre length of the rink has yet to be opened to the public and the NCC is still urging people to stay off the closed portions.

The #RideauCanal Skateway conditions have been updated. Check out all the details here: https://t.co/1VVeXMnarx pic.twitter.com/2xsXeZpTM6

— RideauCanalSkateway (@NCC_Skateway) January 15, 2017

But the shorter skating distance didn’t deter people loyal to the canal from taking the first glide of 2017.

Opening Day on the Rideau Canal Skateway! @NCC_Skateway #Ottawa #RideauCanal pic.twitter.com/BLJ5NLYBCi

— Jim Kelly (@jimkelly2006) January 14, 2017

Last season, the skateway closed a mere 34 days after its Jan. 23, 2016 opening, and was closed 16 out of those 34 days.

The Rideau Canal usually attracts about a million skaters during the winter, but last year only 339,000 went out before it melted.

The 2014-15 season set a record with 59 consecutive skating days between Jan. 10 and March 9, 2015.

And the previous year was one of the longest seasons on record, lasting 71 days between New Year’s Eve and March 11, 2014, featuring 58 total skating days and attracting 1.2 million visitors.

The NCC will take further advantage of the skateway by hosting the first North American ice dragon boat race during Winterlude on Feb. 17-18.

Meanwhile, the weather looks dandy for skating for the next few days, with no precipitation in sight for a while.


The opening of a 4.4-km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway on Saturday saw hundreds of skaters taking to the ice for the first time this season.


The opening of a 4.4-km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway on Saturday saw hundreds of skaters taking to the ice for the first time this season.


The opening of a 4.4-km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway on Saturday saw hundreds of skaters taking to the ice for the first time this season.

The opening of a section of the Rideau Canal Skateway saw hundreds of skaters taking to the ice for the first time this season on Saturday, Jan. 14, 2017.


The opening of a 4.4-km section of the Rideau Canal Skateway on Saturday saw hundreds of skaters taking to the ice for the first time this season.

