高人求教: 本人AudiQ5昨天发动机报警灯亮,机油,温度指示正常,能正常行驶但感觉车身有些振动。送去garage检修。今晨通知车无法启动,发动机全坏,错误码读不出来,需要全部更换发动机。感觉蹊跷,点


或者说人家敢保证95%以上的车都不会再warranty 内坏掉
本人AudiQ5昨天发动机报警灯亮,机油,温度指示正常,能正常行驶但感觉车身有些振动。送去garage检修。今晨通知车无法启动,发动机全坏,错误码读不出来,需要全部更换发动机。感觉蹊跷. 请教高人点解!谢先。
俺家Q5修好了, Audi修的,花了$3400,维修期间还给了辆Q5开着。
Root cause是timing chain wear out引起的camshaft, valve损坏。更换相关器件后修好,保修一年。
Audi说一般150000km后建议更换timing chain,城市道路wear out的更快。希望对您有用。
俺家Q5修好了, Audi修的,花了$3400,维修期间还给了辆Q5开着。
Root cause是timing chain wear out引起的camshaft, valve损坏。更换相关器件后修好,保修一年。
Audi说一般150000km后建议更换timing chain,城市道路wear out的更快。希望对您有用。
俺家Q5修好了, Audi修的,花了$3400,维修期间还给了辆Q5开着。
Root cause是timing chain wear out引起的camshaft, valve损坏。更换相关器件后修好,保修一年。
Audi说一般150000km后建议更换timing chain,城市道路wear out的更快。希望对您有用。
timing chain都是lifetime的,只有德国车有这种幺蛾子
timing belt 150000km更换, timing chain愣是没有任何改善
Audi offical Scheduled Maintenance Intervals可没说要换timing chain;只是说
Timing Belt
– replace at 110K miles (175,000 km) on TTS or 130K miles (205,000 km) on A3 2.0L TDI only. Check condition of timing belt tensioning system, dampening pulleys and idler pulleys, and
replace if necessary
如果没有换Timing chain tensioner的话,很可能还会坏: https://redlinespeedworx.com/2-0t-tsi-timing-chain-failure/
The 2.0T TSI engine found in 2009+ model year Volkswagen’s & Audi’s have moved away from a traditional “timing belt”, which had a regular service interval of approximately every 70,000 to 80,000 miles. The newer TSI engines have moved to a “timing chain”, which VW / Audi have stated as a non-servicable item and should last the life time of the vehicle. The theory behind this move was that a chain will a longer service life, and shouldn’t need to be repaired during the normal course of ownership. The reality is that although the chain itself and the rest of the hardware is well equipped to take 150,000+ miles without problem, the timing chain tensioner is not.
The manufacture has recognized the issue of 2.0T TSI Timing Chain Failure, as a result a revised timing chain tensioner has been put to market as an “update” or “replacement” part.
别吓我, 我是A4, 跟Q5发动机一样
你也一样, 要么$500~1000自费先把定时链张紧件换了,要么赌会不会发生$3000~13000的发动机维修。

我A4 就是13年4月的,意思不用担心了?
我的是2012的高尔夫, 有时候觉得车向前冲, 特别是开空调 踩刹车的时候, 是不是这个原因啊?