哪儿呀,你现在去Facebook 看看,一搜土豆的名字,全是什么I hate Justin Trudeau or Trudeau must go 的 group, 全都是声讨土豆的,一上Facebook,都是那种帖子,我有时都觉得too much. 当地好多人对土豆已经怨气十足了,就连一些左左对于这种评论:“我发现本地的加拿大人很喜欢让人仰视他们,尽管他们什么也不是,素质越低的就越这样,我想这就是装碧的根源。
when he spends OUR MONEY on OUR COUNTRY and OUR PROBLEMS then he'll be a wonderful PM.
As long as he's giving it away to people who don't deserve it or have not earned it he won't be.”
都说:“I understand but what can we do.” 左左也承认土豆难民政策的失败