Reevely: Hoping for a windfall, Ottawa hurries to get Barrhaven rail underpass plans...

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The city is hurrying to get studies done for rail overpasses in Barrhaven, hoping to have plans to wave if upper-level governments show up with bags of money.

The rush comes after a 20-year delay on the projects, which local governments first investigated in the mid-1990s, and four years after a northbound OC Transpo bus on the Transitway adjacent to Woodroffe ran through a warning gate and hit a passing Via train, killing six people.

The city’s about to hire consultants for a fresh environmental assessment of overpasses for Woodroffe Avenue, the Transitway and Fallowfield Road, where each of those roadways crosses the railway tracks that cut southwest across Barrhaven.

The things will still be vastly more expensive than the city feared back when it dropped the notion back in the early 2000.

The problem then was that the ground around the rail crossings is both rocky and extremely wet, making it tough to build in. Water would run into construction trenches faster than it could be pumped out, workers would have to seal the rock with concrete as they went, and the underpasses the city had in mind would be in constant danger of leaks. Overpasses would be very nearly as difficult to construct, plus they’d anger nearby residents who wouldn’t want to see them or hear the racket of engines on the ascents.

A $40-million ballpark estimate for the underpasses doubled, with the possibility the actual cost could end up being a whole lot more, at a time when the city was being especially stingy with its construction budgets, and city council called the whole thing off.

An oddity of the way we handle rail lines in Canada is that they’ve been so important that in law they’re practically treated as if they were natural features like rivers. If want to build a road across one, it’s your problem to do it safely. Whatever you do, the rail line must remain unperturbed by your petty imaginings.

We allowed south Nepean to grow, and have kept doing so, without a live plan for how the people who live and work there would get across those rail lines. It’ll be OK, we figured, as long as everyone’s careful.

Ten years later, the bus crash, a new look at the importance of building safe crossings as the number of people driving to and from Barrhaven continues to increase, and fresh engineering work. The city’s latest estimate for two overpasses (a shared one for the Woodroffe and Transitway crossings, another a couple of hundred metres away on Fallowfield) is $275 million. For those and additional underpasses the city wants for Merivale Road and Jockvale Road, the total is $430 million, and that’s still only an educated guess.

The total is about half the city’s annual budget for capital projects, and it’s not like we’ve been socking money away. We just know we can’t pay for them, at least not without sacrificing a lot of other things we’d also like to build.

Among the consultants’ duties will be to “Review the technological changes over the last number of years, e.g. use of lightweight fills, that might impact the design and construction constraints of overpass/underpass construction in the study area.” Maybe there’s some new material and technique we can use to reinforce the ground under the overpasses so they’re not quite so fabulously expensive. Don’t expect magic, though.

Nevertheless, next week city council’s transportation committee will vote on taking the next step, that environmental assessment, to get a more reliable figure. (It’ll also likely vote for a little companion assessment of a pathway underpass for Jockvale, where the need for a road underpass is less urgent.) The city wants the job done fast, because over the last decade or so municipalities have learned that when federal and provincial governments decide to lay out for city construction work, they want to get rolling.

“Having these crossings ‘shovel ready’ will benefit Ottawa as potential funding-partner opportunities arise,” Barrhaven Coun. Jan Harder says, praising the city’s plan.

Both the federal and Ontario governments are on infrastructure kicks, with the help of low interest rates, so the sooner the city can say it has a big thing we’re ready to do, the better.

Even so, and even if a pot of money appears, getting the point where the city’s ready to do up detailed designs, let alone hire builders, will take two more years.

These overpasses are still a long way from getting done.

