'I should see your face, and you should see mine,' Quebec premier says of new religious neutrality l

他以为跟着LIB PG 后面拜拜,LIB支持啥就支持啥,就能把 LIB 支持者拉过来。没原则拉选票,可是技法拙劣,可以用 idiot 形容。
And spinless too!

Shame on him and shame on them!

This kind of politicians are disgusting. And there are too many of them nowadays.

我覺得 Burqa 全遮讓人害怕,又扯上極端意識形態,禁掉是有些道理。Niqab 看到靈魂之窗眼睛,目前應該還是可以做為緩衝地帶的。有些大媽對自己長像沒信心,或者剛去韓國整完形,還可以借口宗教之名選擇這個。(中東沒人割雙眼皮需要 Burqa 的吧) 政治正確背後的社會正義就是要幫忙弱者,顏值低難道不該有多一層保護嗎? :p
連主席先生都把 racist 標籤貼在這...
推薦一個黎巴嫩籍加拿大教授 Gad Saad 說這件事:
Of course I know he is the leader of the Ontario conservative party.

But he is an idiot.

Steve Harper may not be doing everything right, but he stands on his values. Patrick Brown and many other politicians, most of them in the liberals, I must say, have no value of their own. Their only thoughts are the votes.
Of course I know he is the leader of the Ontario conservative party.

But he is an idiot.

Steve Harper may not be doing everything right, but he stands on his values. Patrick Brown and many other politicians, most of them in the liberals, I must say, have no value of their own. Their only thoughts are the votes.

The Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, that is. :D
'It's not a coercive law,' Quebec says amid criticism over face-covering ban
Province has no plans to establish patrol unit to ensure compliance, official says
By Benjamin Shingler, CBC News Posted: Oct 23, 2017 1:54 PM ET Last Updated: Oct 23, 2017 2:54 PM ET


Warda Naili, a Muslim woman, poses for a photograph on a city bus in Montreal on Saturday. Quebec's new law on religious neutrality requires people to uncover their face to access public services, though how that will be enforced remains unclear. (Graham Hughes/Canadian Press)

The Quebec government's new face-covering law will be approached with "common sense," a spokesperson for the province's justice minister says, amid criticism, protests and confusion over how the rules will be applied.

Isabelle Marier St-Onge said the provincial government has no intention of establishing a patrol unit to ensure compliance with the legislation, which effectively prohibits a Muslim woman wearing a niqab or burka from accessing public services.

"It's not a coercive law," Marier St-Onge said in an email, adding that there are no sanctions listed in the legislation for those who don't comply.

Generally speaking, she said, the government wants people to uncover their faces when they receive a public service but, she stressed, "we will apply common sense."

The rules are for communication, identification and security reasons, and will only apply when deemed necessary.
MSL女性的大袍和面纱,跟世界其他民族的传统服饰(比如日本和服、中国旗袍)的意义不完全一样,它不仅仅是普通的传统服饰,而是带有十分浓厚的宗教色彩 (详见维基介绍 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hijab ),穿大袍、戴面纱是为了保持MSL女性的“modesty”,具体讲就是女性跟男性不一样,不能给任何除丈夫家人以外的人看见自己身体和面庞的机会,否则就是淫荡,被性侵了就是女性自己的错。。。这种奇葩价值观,来到加拿大这个世俗化的强调男女平等的国家还不肯扔掉,还拿穿戴自由的理由来辩解,不是搞笑么?加拿大是个自由的国家,不接受这里世俗化和男女平等价值观的MSL,大可拔脚回伊斯兰教国家,加拿大也不会拦着不让走的吧?又要呆在这里享受这里的公共服务,又不肯放弃与这里社会格格不入的价值观,也是醉了。