B blueca 新手上路 注册 2003-01-18 消息 229 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #1 看见大家热火朝天地谈论加快入籍申请的审批进度,忍不住想问一下,大家都为什么要入籍?入籍后都打算做什么? 我正在为要不要入籍而苦恼,如果有人能指点迷津,那就太谢谢了。
X Xiaomimi 新手上路 注册 2003-06-26 消息 549 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #5 Two employment benefits 1. Can get US TN permit. This is the best thing after US Green Card. Mind you US is ten times larger than Canada. 2. Can apply for Government job, especially in Ottawa.
Two employment benefits 1. Can get US TN permit. This is the best thing after US Green Card. Mind you US is ten times larger than Canada. 2. Can apply for Government job, especially in Ottawa.
R RayLee 知名会员 注册 2002-05-23 消息 198 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2003-10-04 #7 With Canadian passport, you are easy to travel around the world but China.
Jet999 新手上路 注册 2003-07-13 消息 355 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #8 最初由 RayLee 发布 With Canadian passport, you are easy to travel around the world but China. 点击展开... How long (maximum) can one stay in China if he has Chinese Visa as a visitor?
最初由 RayLee 发布 With Canadian passport, you are easy to travel around the world but China. 点击展开... How long (maximum) can one stay in China if he has Chinese Visa as a visitor?
L LoveBaby 新手上路 注册 2003-07-21 消息 183 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #9 最初由 Jet999 发布 How long (maximum) can one stay in China if he has Chinese Visa as a visitor? 点击展开... Six months if you have root back to China. Other Canadian only could get three. After that, you could extend for another six months without leaving the country (China).
最初由 Jet999 发布 How long (maximum) can one stay in China if he has Chinese Visa as a visitor? 点击展开... Six months if you have root back to China. Other Canadian only could get three. After that, you could extend for another six months without leaving the country (China).
捶 捶妮春 新手上路 注册 2002-01-26 消息 604 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #11 最初由 RayLee 发布 With Canadian passport, you are easy to travel around the world but China. 点击展开... With Canadian Passport, it is easy to travel around the world including China unless you bleach your skin too. That would cause some trouble. 说实在的, 入不入随便, 没人求你, 也没人逼你.
最初由 RayLee 发布 With Canadian passport, you are easy to travel around the world but China. 点击展开... With Canadian Passport, it is easy to travel around the world including China unless you bleach your skin too. That would cause some trouble. 说实在的, 入不入随便, 没人求你, 也没人逼你.
捶 捶妮春 新手上路 注册 2002-01-26 消息 604 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #12 最初由 blueca 发布 看见大家热火朝天地谈论加快入籍申请的审批进度,忍不住想问一下,大家都为什么要入籍?入籍后都打算做什么? 我正在为要不要入籍而苦恼,如果有人能指点迷津,那就太谢谢了。 点击展开... 如果这种事也要苦恼, 真的干不成什么事了.
最初由 blueca 发布 看见大家热火朝天地谈论加快入籍申请的审批进度,忍不住想问一下,大家都为什么要入籍?入籍后都打算做什么? 我正在为要不要入籍而苦恼,如果有人能指点迷津,那就太谢谢了。 点击展开... 如果这种事也要苦恼, 真的干不成什么事了.
shoppingcart 新人 注册 2003-05-24 消息 3,480 荣誉分数 31 声望点数 0 2003-10-04 #13 最初由 kathy 发布 有助于回国当贪官,跑起来容易 点击展开... 你这么有官瘾?
开喜 初级会员 VIP 注册 2003-08-12 消息 8,186 荣誉分数 1,052 声望点数 323 2003-10-05 #14 想住下来, 想选举, 想出门旅游的时候不用办签证遭拒签, 想回国的时候不受海关检查的人白眼. (曾听说有人在外多年没有入籍, 拿中国护照入关被办事的嘲讽一番.)
H handler 新手上路 注册 2002-02-24 消息 902 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-05 #15 我觉得你烦的事情太多了,又要回国,又要入籍,又要close account,又要把钱汇来汇去,想了三年都没想清楚,我都替你烦了。哎~~