精华 [问题] 我该学什么专业?


本科、研究生都是CS, 在国内读的,编了六七年程序。想在加拿大再读一个master, 该读什么好呢?

在国内读的学校都是Top 10,GPA平均只有80多一点, TOEFL出国前考过,有627, 但现在过期了,准备重考。在加拿大有过工作经验,编程。和读CS master 论文方向毫无关系。

想读一个和IT有关,但最好不要是纯Computer Science. 不知有什么好专业可以推荐?困惑中。有可能转到EE吗?

1. It is possible to jump into E.E from CS. Maybe in system, not hardware. But why? IT is better than E.E, I think.
2. They required high GPA. But nowadays, E.E and CS are not hot any more. I can feel from the size of class.
3. Apply several universities, I am sure you can catch one.
1. Computer science is a wide field. In fact, lots of research in EE is same with that in CS. More important is to find a good supervioser and suitable direction.
2. If you are not interested in the "pure" computer science, and if you are good in mathematics, you may pursue data warehouse, data mining and machine learning. If you like graphics , you can go to multimedia communication or AutoCAD, GIS, dependent on your interests and aspiration.
3. Go to School to take some graduate courses. If you can get good marks, you can talk with the professor with whom you are interested in to work and he or she would help you to be admitted into the program.
4. If you can dream it, you can do it. Good Luck.
最初由 monk 发布

3. Go to School to take some graduate courses. If you can get good marks, you can talk with the professor with whom you are interested in to work and he or she would help you to be admitted into the program.

做Special Student? Master 也可以申请special student 吗?

最初由 blueca 发布

做Special Student? Master 也可以申请special student 吗?

No In carleton they have a list of TOP 10 university in China.
Since you are on the list, GPA 80 is enough!
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

No In carleton they have a list of TOP 10 university in China.
Since you are on the list, GPA 80 is enough!
刚给CU的ISS拒了,连pre-screen都没过。什么理由都没有,只有一句"We regret to inform you..."。极度郁闷。

我还对Carleton U 的TTM 感兴趣,是不是连门都没有啊?
最初由 blueca 发布

刚给CU的ISS拒了,连pre-screen都没过。什么理由都没有,只有一句"We regret to inform you..."。极度郁闷。

我还对Carleton U 的TTM 感兴趣,是不是连门都没有啊?

It may be too late for fall term. ISS is not difficult to apply.

You can submit your application for ISS program in 3 departments: CS, SCE and Math. In my memory, CS is toughest and Math is easiest. The requirements are similar except you should take at least 4 courses in the registered department. In addition, you can also submit your application to SITE in OU.

TTM in CU is not a competitive program. But the course are really like 科普, you can get a degree in a short term but you cannot expect to learn some useful stuff.
最初由 monk 发布

It may be too late for fall term. ISS is not difficult to apply.

You can submit your application for ISS program in 3 departments: CS, SCE and Math. In my memory, CS is toughest and Math is easiest. The requirements are similar except you should take at least 4 courses in the registered department. In addition, you can also submit your application to SITE in OU.

TTM in CU is not a competitive program. But the course are really like 科普, you can get a degree in a short term but you cannot expect to learn some useful stuff.

Thanks a lot. I submitted my application through CS. I'll try to send my application again through Math department.

Is it too late to apply for fall term 2004? I called the secretary, she said they are still working on the enrollment of Spring term 2004, so the application for fall term is of low priority.
If you really want to apply for the ISS in CU, E&E department may be a better choice because you have enough backgroud in CS. Some profs in E&E are in sofware engineering and so on. They like people having CS backgroud.
Also a lot of cases has shown that if you want to enroll in communication/network area, the best way is to take Galko's stochostic process and/or Amir's digital communication as a special student in winter term. If you can get grades higher than A. You have 90% chance to get admitted.
最初由 .cn 发布
If you really want to apply for the ISS in CU, E&E department may be a better choice because you have enough backgroud in CS. Some profs in E&E are in sofware engineering and so on. They like people having CS backgroud.
Also a lot of cases has shown that if you want to enroll in communication/network area, the best way is to take Galko's stochostic process and/or Amir's digital communication as a special student in winter term. If you can get grades higher than A. You have 90% chance to get admitted.

Yes, but do not take stocastic process form Banihashimi from CU. Galko's course is much
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

Yes, but do not take stocastic process form Banihashimi from CU. Galko's course is much
还有一事不明,由于一些项目是由Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science提供的,该向谁交申请?是不是向Carltton交申请,将来录取了就算Carleton的学生,向OU交申请,将来录取了就算OU的学生? 另外,OU和Carleton的录取标准是否一样?

最初由 blueca 发布

还有一事不明,由于一些项目是由Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science提供的,该向谁交申请?是不是向Carltton交申请,将来录取了就算Carleton的学生,向OU交申请,将来录取了就算OU的学生? 另外,OU和Carleton的录取标准是否一样?


最初由 gdntfrank 发布

是不是就象Management Engineering 一样?中国人读出来一般找不到工作?

其实,我很想学通信,但以前一直做编程,通信底子比较差。也想从本科读起,但一想到自己的岁数,觉得就算本科读出来了,也无法和年轻人竞争了。读special student 也许是一条路,但老公也没有工作,并且不打算在Ottawa长住。如果有一个正经的Master Degree读,我可能就留下了。但只是一个special student, 我自己也下不了决心一个人留在这里赌明天。还是缺少点儿魄力。
其实,还申请了Software Engineering方向。但我申请这个项目时,只大概地看了OU的介绍,就去填了pre-application,今天居然也通过了pre-screen。但后来仔细一读Carleton U 的介绍,才发现了关键的一句,“Students must be sponsored by the participating companies to enter the program”。天,这年头还有那家公司愿意赞助学生读master的呢?

现在才发现,早知要出国,就别在国内读Master,找工作时,工作时间就比别人短。想念书时, 还碍手碍脚,读本专业的master,Personal Statement写起来自己都觉得气短,不理直气壮;读Ph.D.吧,扪心自问,自己好像也不是有很强的做research倾向的人(我好像是个怀疑主义者)。换个专业,原来的学位有没有太大的用途,申请时也未必能增加竞争力。

最初由 blueca 发布

是不是就象Management Engineering 一样?中国人读出来一般找不到工作?

其实,我很想学通信,但以前一直做编程,通信底子比较差。也想从本科读起,但一想到自己的岁数,觉得就算本科读出来了,也无法和年轻人竞争了。读special student 也许是一条路,但老公也没有工作,并且不打算在Ottawa长住。如果有一个正经的Master Degree读,我可能就留下了。但只是一个special student, 我自己也下不了决心一个人留在这里赌明天。还是缺少点儿魄力。
其实,还申请了Software Engineering方向。但我申请这个项目时,只大概地看了OU的介绍,就去填了pre-application,今天居然也通过了pre-screen。但后来仔细一读Carleton U 的介绍,才发现了关键的一句,“Students must be sponsored by the participating companies to enter the program”。天,这年头还有那家公司愿意赞助学生读master的呢?

现在才发现,早知要出国,就别在国内读Master,找工作时,工作时间就比别人短。想念书时, 还碍手碍脚,读本专业的master,Personal Statement写起来自己都觉得气短,不理直气壮;读Ph.D.吧,扪心自问,自己好像也不是有很强的做research倾向的人(我好像是个怀疑主义者)。换个专业,原来的学位有没有太大的用途,申请时也未必能增加竞争力。


Communication engineering is not good in your case. Because of over-investment in last several years in this field, you cannot expect the recovery of communication market in a short time.
If you are a PR, you can promise School to support by yourself. Once you enter the program, you have more choices like applying student loan or applying TA, or even transfer to other School.
Except Communication engineering and Software Engineering, you can work in other fields in Carleton. You may work on Real-Time and embedded system, multimedia system or Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering is a new emerging field and worth to try.
Be confident to yourself. Life is not easy for everybody. Try your best in different posibilities. There is a will, there is a way.