精华 [问题] 我该学什么专业?

最初由 monk 发布

Communication engineering is not good in your case. Because of over-investment in last several years in this field, you cannot expect the recovery of communication market in a short time.
If you are a PR, you can promise School to support by yourself. Once you enter the program, you have more choices like applying student loan or applying TA, or even transfer to other School.
Except Communication engineering and Software Engineering, you can work in other fields in Carleton. You may work on Real-Time and embedded system, multimedia system or Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical Engineering is a new emerging field and worth to try.
Be confident to yourself. Life is not easy for everybody. Try your best in different posibilities. There is a will, there is a way.
您所说的Biomedical Engineering的确是个好方向,我在其它学校的网站上找到过类似的program,但在Carleton U 的网站上没看见过。请问一下,这个program是在哪个系里的?

最初由 blueca 发布
本科、研究生都是CS, 在国内读的,编了六七年程序。想在加拿大再读一个master, 该读什么好呢?

在国内读的学校都是Top 10,GPA平均只有80多一点, TOEFL出国前考过,有627, 但现在过期了,准备重考。在加拿大有过工作经验,编程。和读CS master 论文方向毫无关系。

想读一个和IT有关,但最好不要是纯Computer Science. 不知有什么好专业可以推荐?困惑中。有可能转到EE吗?


With your background, you should be able to enter ANY university in Canada. Maybe you should try to contact some professors before submitting your application.
Re: Re: [问题] 我该学什么专业?

最初由 wei 发布

With your background, you should be able to enter ANY university in Canada. Maybe you should try to contact some professors before submitting your application.
biomedical再mcgill属于faculty of medicine的,说是用仪器研究脑,肌肉等等。

最初由 TWU_lover 发布
biomedical再mcgill属于faculty of medicine的,说是用仪器研究脑,肌肉等等。

我查过Mcgill, 它的biomedical好象要GRE. 我的GRE成绩去年过期了,但又没练过新式机考,怕是来不及在deadline之前考出成绩。
其实,我挺喜欢Ottawa的。如果能上OU或CU, 我更倾向在Ottawa读书。
最初由 blueca 发布

您所说的Biomedical Engineering的确是个好方向,我在其它学校的网站上找到过类似的program,但在Carleton U 的网站上没看见过。请问一下,这个program是在哪个系里的?


1. Biomedical Engineering is a wide field, including many research directions. If your background in CS, you may work in medical computing, medical imaging and data management. If your background in EE, you may work in bio-signal processing, real-time monitoing system or even bio-chip design.
2. Neither CU nor OU has a special program in Biomedical Engineering yet. However, there are lots of faculties who have research in this field. In SCE of CU, they are Drs. Frize, Cuhadar and Chan. In SCS of CU, Dr. Nussman is working on medical computing. In SITE of OU, Dr.adler and others are working in this field.
3. Like the situation in China, if you are interested in graduate study, you should find a professor who is willing to be your superviosr. So key point is to study the personal website of the professor and talk with him or her about your plan. If he or she agrees to be your superviosr, then you would get addmission.
最初由 monk 发布

1. Biomedical Engineering is a wide field, including many research directions. If your background in CS, you may work in medical computing, medical imaging and data management. If your background in EE, you may work in bio-signal processing, real-time monitoing system or even bio-chip design.
2. Neither CU nor OU has a special program in Biomedical Engineering yet. However, there are lots of faculties who have research in this field. In SCE of CU, they are Drs. Frize, Cuhadar and Chan. In SCS of CU, Dr. Nussman is working on medical computing. In SITE of OU, Dr.adler and others are working in this field.
3. Like the situation in China, if you are interested in graduate study, you should find a professor who is willing to be your superviosr. So key point is to study the personal website of the professor and talk with him or her about your plan. If he or she agrees to be your superviosr, then you would get addmission.
Good suggestion.
Thanks a lot!!!