刚和Canadian Tire吵了一架。


有人说我爱吵架, 还真是不辛言中了。

刚和Canadian Tire吵了一架。 上个月,在Canadian Tire买了一自行车。 回家后一周后, 发现后带没气了。 我已开始以为是naughty kid给放气了。就去买了一个pump,打上气,前两天,没事。 一周之后,又不行了。 赶上这个鬼天气,今天才去找他们。

我原以为很容易,结果, 他们说tire is not under warranty. I have to pay. 我就找manager, Manager也说是 no warranty. 态度还很不好。 我说这不是warranty的问题,The problem is you sold defect product. I didn't anything wrong, but the manufacutre or the store did something wrong, so I cannot take the responsiblity. 吵了有30-40分钟,气的我不轻,他还说什么,You are the first person to come to complain the tire. 他说你可以call 1800 去总店complain. 我说,I won't do that, because that's your store. I may talk to the local newspaper.

最后,他说,去查,是manufature的毛病,他出钱。是我的毛病,我出钱。 我说,go ahead. 结果,是manufacture defect.

这季节, 买自行车的人很多。大家要注意.
next123: 至少在Canadian Tire是不行的。When I came there and talk to a sale assistant the problem, she thought I wanted to return the bike. she said it is "no return" purchase.

meditation: 我还没去过Wal-Mart看过。but that manager said retails 都不garranty tires. even for car tires.

I said "If you buy a brand new car, and find 4 tires are flat after a couple of days. Do you go back to the dealer?" He didn't answer my question.
不过咱在RIDEAU CENTRE退货从没问题,带着收据就行,不问理由(问了你可以不答或说不喜欢了就是想退)
咱语言不好,跟洋人吵架就头大,下次谁遇到同样的吵架揪头发的问题,请 行者 (你听这名字取的多好,行乃什么都行也,者乃之乎者也) 给我们当头,给他一点回扣就好了.
Canadian Tire is BAD!!!!!!!!

Had bad experience with both Carlingwood and Kanata stores. Usually their stuff is more expensive than Walmart, and their service.. well, what service?

Walmart has its reason to earn big money while others closing stores.
在加拿大,"Canadian tire"是假货和劣质的代名词,连货币都敢伪造. :)
那我们以后就不要买次品轮胎 CANADIAN TIRE啦 :bounce: 去买GOODYEAR的?
我的英语也很烂。 也就是问个路,去侧所时还算流利。中文吵架都不行。 语言不行。在国内时,一和当官的说话, 就腿肚子转筋。坐下病了。现在一跟“长老”们的帖子,有时还语无论次。

这吵架也是不得已为之。钱花了。给个次品。态度还不好。 咽不下这口气。

.....呀,我这行者可不是什么都行的意思。是“浪迹天涯”的意思。17岁离家. 在这地球上,从东走到西,从南走到北。一听费翔的“浪迹天涯的游子,别在四处飘零。...", 就想哭。 原想用"Traveller", 后来觉“行者”好,就用它了。

感谢大家的支持和致敬。 建议大家买东西, 问一下“return policy".
you should ask them.where is the policy? could you show me the policy on paper.


This product carries a 1-year repair warranty against manufacturing defects in workmanship and materials, frames & non-suspension forks carry a lifetime replacement warranty. Official sales receipt required. (Warranty work must be done by Canadian Tire)
Canadian Tire is very bad in service. I had bad experience with the downtown store on kent&laurier.

They replaced a wrong part on my car, and I had to go to them again when the following day I was "down" on street. But they not only charged me the wrong part&labor, but even the towing fee. It happend last winter.Very big snow at the time.

I never went to them again. they are really bull-shit.
最初由 行者 发布

.....呀,我这行者可不是什么都行的意思。是“浪迹天涯”的意思。17岁离家. 在这地球上,从东走到西,从南走到北。一听费翔的“浪迹天涯的游子,别在四处飘零。...", 就想哭。 原想用"Traveller", 后来觉“行者”好,就用它了。
你本性愚,那是大智若愚的愚(可别脸红:D). 跟人吵架是为了明是非,是好事不是坏事! 至于"行者",即使是取“浪迹天涯”的意思,那也是表示你行,没本事的人谁能把地球走好几遍?还是你行 :cool: :lol: 听游子的歌是你成功的一种表现,失败的人早就躲在厕所里哭去了:bounce:
Next123: 在Canadian Tire买自行车的地方,有一小牌说 “No Warranty for tires". 但是,买自行车的谁去注意呢。又没人和你说。我说这不是warranty的问题,The problem is you sold defect product.

这Policy也极不合理。我去过一鞋店,他们的return policy 是: If you try them in-door for a dew days, and find you don't like them, you can return them with no reason. But if you wear them out-door, you cannot return them unless there is manufacture defect. 这还算合理。

.....:多谢恭维。 说我行,我就行, 不行也行。