有人说我爱吵架, 还真是不辛言中了。
刚和Canadian Tire吵了一架。 上个月,在Canadian Tire买了一自行车。 回家后一周后, 发现后带没气了。 我已开始以为是naughty kid给放气了。就去买了一个pump,打上气,前两天,没事。 一周之后,又不行了。 赶上这个鬼天气,今天才去找他们。
我原以为很容易,结果, 他们说tire is not under warranty. I have to pay. 我就找manager, Manager也说是 no warranty. 态度还很不好。 我说这不是warranty的问题,The problem is you sold defect product. I didn't anything wrong, but the manufacutre or the store did something wrong, so I cannot take the responsiblity. 吵了有30-40分钟,气的我不轻,他还说什么,You are the first person to come to complain the tire. 他说你可以call 1800 去总店complain. 我说,I won't do that, because that's your store. I may talk to the local newspaper.
最后,他说,去查,是manufature的毛病,他出钱。是我的毛病,我出钱。 我说,go ahead. 结果,是manufacture defect.
这季节, 买自行车的人很多。大家要注意.
刚和Canadian Tire吵了一架。 上个月,在Canadian Tire买了一自行车。 回家后一周后, 发现后带没气了。 我已开始以为是naughty kid给放气了。就去买了一个pump,打上气,前两天,没事。 一周之后,又不行了。 赶上这个鬼天气,今天才去找他们。
我原以为很容易,结果, 他们说tire is not under warranty. I have to pay. 我就找manager, Manager也说是 no warranty. 态度还很不好。 我说这不是warranty的问题,The problem is you sold defect product. I didn't anything wrong, but the manufacutre or the store did something wrong, so I cannot take the responsiblity. 吵了有30-40分钟,气的我不轻,他还说什么,You are the first person to come to complain the tire. 他说你可以call 1800 去总店complain. 我说,I won't do that, because that's your store. I may talk to the local newspaper.
最后,他说,去查,是manufature的毛病,他出钱。是我的毛病,我出钱。 我说,go ahead. 结果,是manufacture defect.
这季节, 买自行车的人很多。大家要注意.