Top Google Searches Of 2017: Andrew Scheer Is Year's Top Trending Canadian Politician


If you are what you Google, Canadians are a pretty broad-minded lot.

Google has released its 17th annual survey of top-trending searches, and top-of-mind topics for Canucks in 2017 ranged from devastating hurricanes to deceased rock icons to the continuing political circus south of the border.

"Google Year-End Search takes a look at trillions of searches globally," said Alexandra Hunnings Klein, trends expert for Google Canada. "These lists are a barometer of what was interesting, what Canadians were curious about in 2017."

Some search terms are always popular, said Hunnings Klein.

"Justin Bieber is always up there."

What the lists measure are short-term spikes in the use of specific search terms. They provide a kind of index of which news stories Canadians responded to most — or at least drove them to their cellphones or tablets for more information.

The top overall search term was Hurricane Irma. Canadians were unstoppably keen for the latest on the immensely powerful storm that battered Florida and the Caribbean in the fall.

The second most popular overall search was Meghan Markle, the American and sometime Torontonian actor engaged to Prince Harry.

Hunnings Klein said search spikes often coincide with events in the news. For example: "Why are Canadian flags at half-mast?" — the second-most common spike under the "Why?" category — came after six men were shot and killed in a Quebec mosque last January.

And while Prime Minister Justin Trudeau remained broadly popular, Canadians appeared to be at least curious about opposition leaders. Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, both anointed this year, were near the top of searches under "Political Figures."

There's no prize for guessing that column was headed by U.S. President Donald Trump.

Singer and poet Gord Downie, the Tragically Hip front man who died this year after a rapturously received national tour and album in 2016, placed high in both the "National News" and "Losses" categories. But under "Losses," even Downie came second to U.S. musician Tom Petty.

Canadians also seemed fascinated by entertainment giants toppled by allegations of sexual misbehaviour. Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and Kevin Spacey — who all lost their jobs over such accusations — came in one, two and three in the "People" category.

The biggest search surges in the "Kitchen" section were for the apple cider vinegar diet and the plant-based diet.

The Google list suggests we've had a bit of a tough year, said Hunnings Klein.

"This list really tells me we've had a year where there's been many moments that have been divisive or contentious or challenging. We've had a lot of moments that have challenged us."

But some searches suggest there were moments that brought us together. Queries on the British Columbia wildfires were often accompanied by searches asking how to help, Hunnings Klein said.

Then there was August's solar eclipse. Not only did the term place third in the overall Canadian list, it spawned a second, related spike.

"On Day 1, they were asking, 'How do I make a solar eclipse viewer?"' Hunnings Klein said. "On Day 2, they were asking, 'Why do my eyes hurt?"'

Some questions may have flummoxed even the world's most popular search engine.

One wonders what Google made of at least one question that made the list under "Why?"

"Why are fidget spinners so popular?"

Some questions, even for Google, remain unanswerable.





谷歌加拿大的“热门搜索”专家Alexandra Hunnings Klein表示:“谷歌每年年底的这项调查会收集全球数十亿的搜索记录,最终显示出在这一年里加拿大人对什么最感兴趣。”

若说加拿大人这么多年来搜索的关键词多少会随时事政治、国际新闻有所改变,有一个人的名字却从来都担当着巨大的流量。没错,就是加拿大产歌手Justin Bieber。


虽然美国和加拿大关于Justin Bieber的段子从来没少过,但这实实在在的搜索量却足以说明他在加拿大人民心中的地位。当然,过去的一年中,无论是风靡全球的Despacito还是和赛琳娜的复合,Justin Bieber作为搜索关键词那是相当有料的。




排在第二位的是英国王室准新娘Meghan Markle。一方面哈里王子的婚事牵动着万千少女的心,一方面这位曾在多伦多生活过的女演员也让广大加拿大人十分好奇。



政治方面,Justin Trudeau依然受到广泛关心,但保守派领导人Andrew Scheer和NDP的领导人Jagmeet Singh也被大量搜索。不过在过去的一年里,加拿大人民好像更关心南方邻居的政治状况,美国总统Donald Trump赫然排在政治人物搜索榜榜首。


歌唱家Gord Downie于2017年过世,在“国家新闻”和“Losses“两栏里都居高位,但说到Losses,美国音乐家Tom Petty被搜索最多。

八卦从来都是流量大户,在“People“一栏里,今年因为性侵案身败名裂的Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer和Kevin Spacey包揽了前三名。


很简单 因为很多人都不认识他是谁结果搜完了过些日子又忘了他是谁了 再搜再搜。。。。其实有的时候排第一不见得是啥光荣的事儿 但的确说明一些问题[emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]


The 2017 Conservative Party of Canada leadership election was held on May 27, 2017. 2017-12-31&q=Andrew Scheer&geo=CA

很简单 因为很多人都不认识他是谁结果搜完了过些日子又忘了他是谁了 再搜再搜。。。。其实有的时候排第一不见得是啥光荣的事儿 但的确说明一些问题[emoji3][emoji3][emoji3]

你再坚持两年,等Andrew Scheer上台。

不过,10月份的联邦议会补选保守党丢了一个席位,12月份的补选保守党在BC又丢了一个阵地: the Liberals came out as winners with their breakthrough victory in the hotly contested B.C. seat of South Surrey–White Rock, a riding that had been held by the Conservatives for more than 40 years.




因为不用搜他的名字 一流泪 一甩袜子大家就忘不了 这就是差距[emoji3][emoji1308]
你再坚持两年,等Andrew Scheer上台。

不过,10月份的联邦议会补选保守党丢了一个席位,12月份的补选保守党在BC又丢了一个阵地: the Liberals came out as winners with their breakthrough victory in the hotly contested B.C. seat of South Surrey–White Rock, a riding that had been held by the Conservatives for more than 40 years.


Let's see.:)