A letter from Tanya Granic Allen about the impact of her campaign

focus on today

A letter from Tanya Granic Allen:

Four weeks ago, I announced my candidacy for the Ontario PC Party leadership. Now, with the voting nearly done, I just want to express my deep gratitude for the tremendous outpouring of support that I have received in the campaign.

As president of a parents’ rights organization, I have been an outspoken critic of Kathleen Wynne’s sex ed curriculum and of her radical, left-wing anti-family agenda.

I was also one of the most outspoken critics of former PC leader Patrick Brown. I was critical of Brown not only for his support of the radical left social agenda, but for the corrupt manner in which he ran the Ontario PC Party into the ground.

Over the past four weeks, thanks to the help of thousands of parents’ rights activists and grassroots conservatives, over the past four weeks, together, we have moved the debate. Kathleen Wynne’s sex ed agenda is back in the news, and Ontario parents once again have some hope that we can end this nightmare.

There has been so much media coverage of this and related issues over the past month – too many to list here – but I thought I would send along just two stories from as recently as yesterday, Tuesday, March 6th.

The first story is actually a three-and-one-half-minute VIDEO interview of me by Global News. The headline says it all:

Tanya Granic Allen least known PC leadership candidate, but has had biggest impact

The social conservative campaigner has forced other candidates to define their stance on sex education and other issues. Alan Carter speaks with Tanya Granic Allen one-on-one. (To see the video, click HERE).

Please take a few minutes to watch the video. We had fun with the interview and we had a lively exchange on the issues. I hope you like it!

The second story is from The Globe and Mail with the sort of slant that you would expect from that downtown Toronto newspaper. I send it along to you, though, to show that even the Globe acknowledges the impact that “social conservatives” have had in this contest.

Ontario PC leadership candidates seek to woo social conservatives

Some of the contenders for Ontario's Progressive Conservative leadership are looking to shift the party to the right as they embrace social-conservative issues in the final days of a bitter and closely fought campaign.

(To read this, click HERE).

Remember to register AND verify! Don’t forget to vote!

TOMORROW, 8:00 p.m., Thursday, March 8, is the deadline to upload your ID and register/verify your address with the PC Party. If you have already done so, you will get, via email, an online ballot.

The deadline to VOTE is Friday at Noon. Remember, when you registered/verified your address, the party asked you to provide an email address. They will send the ballot to THAT email address. Watch for it!

You should get your online instructions to vote by e-mail in a message addressed as from “Internet Voting Application” with the subject line, “Voting Instructions – PC Party Leadership 2018 – Voting is NOW OPEN.” Check your spam folder(s)!

I have worked tirelessly these past four weeks for the issues that are near and dear to my heart, issues that pertain to parental rights, to the Ontario family, and the Ontario taxpayers. We have, as a team, made a tremendous difference in this contest and have already helped to bring the party closer to its conservative roots, and, hopefully, closer to beating Kathleen Wynne in the upcoming June election !

When you vote, I am asking for you to acknowledge this success.

I am asking you to mark me, Tanya Granic Allen, as your #1 choice. Tanya Granic Allen, #1!

If you have not yet donated to our campaign, will you consider making your contribution, now? If you have been thinking about adding to what you have already contributed, would you act on that now?

I ask for your contribution to stand with me and other PC members in our Party. To DONATE, click HERE.

Conservative. For a change,
这种没头没脑的要求让人无可适从,"the registration / verification process" for what? :shale:
@ccc 村长,你看懂了吗?:shy:
Tanya Granic Allen是一个商人,作家,评论家,和演说家,主要集中在影响妇女,青年和家庭问题。 她在地方,国家和国际层面拥有超过20年的政治经验。


Tanya出现在CBC,CTV,Global,Sun News,CP24,CityTV,National Post,Toronto Star,EWTN,LifeSiteNews和The Interim等各种新闻媒体中。 作为演讲嘉宾,Tangya对20至20万人的人群进行了演讲。


Tanga是四个小孩的母亲,她和丈夫乔纳森住在格雷县。 在闲暇时间,她喜欢高尔夫,曲棍球,烘烤和探索新的地方。
More about Tanya Granic Allen:
Tanya 是那种干干脆脆,不拖泥带水的人,非常果断,言辞不闪烁,很有激情的,也很草根的美女。她的老公是那种谦谦君子式的,润物细无声。很好的组合。她老公跟Brad Trost 给人的感觉太像了。我问她了,大麻问题,她坚决反对。性教育大纲就不用说了,鲜明的坚决反对。M103问题,坚决反对。头巾事件,就是一个Joke。经济问题是老杜问的,她说,安省债台高筑,不是因为穷,是因为瞎花钱,比如,2个亿支持特斯拉电动车,那是富人的玩具,凭什么让老百姓的税金补贴富人的高级玩具?当问到投票策略的时候,她说“第一票投的是信念,选第一票的时候,不用考虑输赢,只考虑这个人是不是你最最喜欢的,最愿意投的那个。第二票为了输赢,当第一票输了之后,你仍然想不错的人胜利。第三票是为了挡住你最最不喜欢的人。就按照你的心意投吧,她没有意见。” 最后,我跟Tanya 说,“很高兴你能参选,因为你的加入,我家入了5张党票。你的参选,给我提供了说话的机会,否则我的需求没办法表达也没有人替我完整的表达。我相信你一定会被人标签为极右,但是我请你坚持下去。” 她说,是的,无论结果,她都要发出强烈的声音。她还特意举了个例子,她说你看Brad Trost 虽然没有赢下党领,但他的第四位的结果就让人非常震惊,这个支持他的力量,social conservative 谁也不可以轻视。” Tanya 真的是浑浊的政治圈中的一股清流,跟Tanya比,福特应该更老道,更有胜利的希望。但是发出声音,提出诉求还是靠Tanya,取胜的任务交给福特吧。我第一位投给Tanya,第二位投给福特。这样一张选票可以发挥两票的效用。据了解,真正注册的党员数不多,所以每一张选票都异常的珍贵,请珍惜选票。

她老公在亚洲呆过,在香港上海北京都呆过。 他们有4个小孩(被告知Tanya自己在家教育4个孩子,这是典型地traditional value) 

我参选的目标之一就是:重新审查和推翻这个新性教育大纲。我先把它拿走,重新审核什么样的性教育是好的。 在韦恩的新性教育里,从没提到爱和婚姻,也没有提到色情刊物的问题。 所以,我们推翻,重新讨论,用更好的来取代它。 而我们最重要最重要的就是尊重, 尊重父母的权利。如果只是去审查是没有用的。 只是审查,而不做什么是没有改变的。 所以,我的目标是把它整个换掉。

第二个,就是我要把碳税给去掉。 碳税是抽取我们的税,做他们想要做的事。 就像土豆做些疯狂的事,我们买单。

大家都知道大麻的问题。 我个人认为当我们在针对这些药品毒品烟酒这类一定要特别的小心谨慎。 大麻合法化对我们小孩有什么影响那?韦恩唯一做的就是把获得大麻的合法年龄从18岁改成了19岁,就这么一点点儿。 土豆说18岁, 韦恩说19岁,就这么点区别。 但实际上, 孩子要到25岁整个头脑才能彻底发育完全。 我们为什么要让大麻去影响孩子的大脑那。 我们在我们的省,要替我们省来跟总理对抗。 大家都指出不要碳税,那到底要如何做那? 如果总理还是硬要我们加的话,我就把汽油的税改个名字叫碳税。 这就是我们安省的碳税。 我们已经付了很多的水电,我们不需要付更多的税。 我们应该把用在一些特殊地方的钱拿回来, 用在该用的地方。 一个家理财也是要把钱先花在最需要的地方,而不是想要的地方。 先满足需要,才是想要。 应该是把钱先用在基础建设,路桥医疗。这些先弄好,才去管其他的。

我很高兴,从我第一天说要竞选的时候, 就有很多人支持我。 当然媒体攻击我。 我相信他们攻击我的原因,因为我们很有潜力,我们做的很好。 Toronto Star, CBC 原来都不对 Tanya不屑的,现在都给她留空间,把她捧高了。 可是我的信息很简单。 就是保守党可以赢,只要我们存留在我们的保守理念上。 我们只要咨询我们保守的党员,他们想要什么。 人家说不要碳税,不要新性教育,我们就要听他们的声音。 我不想要政府也跑来管我们的家庭。 政府主要工作是建立好社区,建立好硬件建设。 管理小孩子是我们父母的责任。 我们需要有自由,有宗教的自由,有政治良心的表达。 Christine一直说她是韦恩的敌人, 我说我不是韦恩的敌人,我是她的恶梦,克星。
你们教会上次力挺Brad Trost,这次举荐Granic Allen。

Media coverage about Tanya after the second debate:

“Granic Allen has been the real surprise of this race so far, and she was in top form for the debate. If you believe that governments need to immediately start ripping wind turbines out of the ground, then you’ve found your star in Granic Allen”
– Mischa Kaplan, Ottawa Citizen, March 1st 2018

“Tanya Granic Allen, for her part, lambasted everyone else for failing to stand up to Brown during his reign as PC leader”
– Mike Crawley, CBC News, March 1st 2018

“ ‘Caroline, up until a month ago, you were Patrick Brown's star candidate,’ Granic Allen added, sparking some applause.
“ ‘And you were happy to be his star candidate. And you sat and you said nothing while all that corruption was going on, while candidates were being bullied, while members were being stripped of their membership’ ”
– Ryan Maloney, HuffPost, February 28th 2018

“Granic Allen has probably already succeeded in establishing herself as a standard-bearer among social conservatives in the province.”
– Paul Wells, Maclean’s, February 28th 2018

“Granic Allen is passionate and forceful, probably the most comfortable debater”
– David Reevely, Ottawa Citizen, March 1st 2018

“She vowed to ‘take those wind turbines and rip them out of the ground . . . those wind turbines will be gone,’ prompting approving cheers from Ford at his podium”
– Martin Regg Cohn, Toronto Star, March 1st 2018

“Granic Allen . . . declared she’d not merely stop the spread of wind turbines in Ontario, she’d physically remove the ones in place now . . . Ford could not have been more delighted. ‘Beautiful,’ he beamed. ‘Beautiful!’ ”
– Paul Wells, Maclean’s, February 28th 2018

“Candidate Tanya Granic Allen, an anti-sex ed campaigner, said Brown should be shown the door for good — not because of the sexual harassment allegations levelled against him but rather because of the ‘corruption’ she said he allowed to fester in the party while leader, pointing to irregularities in some nomination races in ridings.

“ ‘You three still stand here and say you’re fine with it. I want you to say no and you won't let Patrick Brown run under you,’ she said. ‘Read my lips. He's not running for me.’

“Granic Allen said that, if she’s elected leader, she’d review nomination meetings where candidates were ‘bullied out of running’ by Brown.

“Granic Allen said it was hypocritical to give Brown a second chance while those who missed out on running for the Ontario PCs — because of alleged tinkering by Brown’s team — were given no recourse. ‘You all want due process for Patrick. But where’s the due process for candidates who were bullied out of running?’ ”
– CBC, February 28th 2018

“Much of the debate was dominated by Tanya Granic Allen”
– John Ibbitson, The Globe and Mail, March 1st 2018
你们教会上次力挺Brad Trost,这次举荐Granic Allen。
