A letter from Tanya Granic Allen about the impact of her campaign

Tanya is very good, But why the woman should be a party or a provincial or a country leader ? I am not biased, You may say I am stubborned, But I am telling you except the men who is qualified all dead, The woman should be chosen!!

So your order should be :
1, Tanya
2, Ford...
Never choose No 3 or No 4
Then Doug Ford will win...
Just like Andrew Scheer did last time!
Please remember,
No 3 or No 4= Empty!~~
如果是她当选PC party leader,省大选我就投NDP竞选人了。

It’s time to tear up Ontario’s green scheme contracts

We can save Ontario ratepayers billions of dollars by tearing up the green energy contracts that are playing a part in harming our economy, costing us manufacturing jobs and pushing people into poverty.

The political establishment and energy industry will say it can’t be done. Don’t listen to them. None of them have even tried and they don’t have your best interests in mind. Here’s how to get it done though:

Call up the companies the Liberals signed sweetheart deals with and tell them it’s not working anymore. Ontario has many contracts with companies large and small to pay them more than the going market rate for the renewable energy they produce. In some cases, we pay a staggering 40 times the rate.

They won’t be surprised to get our call. They’re probably expecting it and think we’re suckers for not trying to renegotiate sooner. Some will go along with it right away.

The deals many companies have with us right now are so generous that we can cut their rates by a lot and they’ll still walk away happy. The Liberals actually did just this back in 2012, cutting some contracts in half.

Others will say no though. And this is where the hardball begins: We tell them we’re tearing the contracts up.

If this brings them on board, then great. For the rest that call our bluff, turn the tables on them.

Hold a press conference to name and shame them. Physically tear up their contracts on television. Explain to the public that we gave these companies an out, that the ball was in their court, but instead they made the choice to become an enemy of the people.

After they see we aren’t joking, more will slink back and hammer out a deal. Others will posture that they want to go to court.

Good luck with that. While some of these companies have deep pockets — like Samsung, which has a multibillion-dollar deal with the province — and are up for a lengthy legal battle, many aren’t. They’ll settle. And maybe the big ones will too, as it’s the path of least resistance.

But it doesn’t even have to get to that point. This is because we can actually pass bills voiding contracts. Provinces have the power to do this, as Bruce Pardy, law professor at Queen’s University, wrote in 2014.

“If the Ontario Power Authority simply declared contracts under its Feed-In-Tariff to be terminated, the robust compensation clauses contained in those contracts would apply,” writes Pardy. “However, if instead the Ontario legislature passed a statue that explicitly denied the right to compensation, then no compensation would be payable.”

Now the biggest argument against going down this route is that it undermines the trust companies have in us as a contract partner. But this perspective will be isolated to the renewable energy sector, as our decision to tear up the deals will be based on factors specific to that industry.

So let me get this straight: If we tear up green energy contracts, the fallout will be that green energy companies will never want to enter into those sorts of contracts with us again? I fail to see the downside. Where’s the shredder? Let’s get started.

The opposition has been sheepish about playing hardball because they haven’t seen what’s in the contracts. But what they’ll likely find is there are indeed outs for us, they’re just ones the Liberals aren’t using.

It wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. This was the case with the billion-dollar gas plants scandal, as the 2013 auditor general’s report explains: “The premier’s office committed to compensating (TransCanada Energy) for the financial value of its contract for the Oakville plant, even though events occurred that we believe could have enabled termination of the contract at a much lower cost.”

Ontario’s famous billion-dollar boondoggle was a choice. If we’d gone to court, passed legislation or even just negotiated more aggressively, we likely would have come out hundreds of millions of dollars ahead. But they never even tried.

It’s time to stop treating deals that were problematic in the first place as more important than the livelihood of the people of Ontario.

I’ve heard from people in this province who, due to energy costs, are now using food banks, maxing out their credit cards and not heating their homes.

This is a scandal. It needs to be solved. And tearing up lousy contracts is a part of the solution.
More about Tanya Granic Allen:
Tanya 是那种干干脆脆,不拖泥带水的人,非常果断,言辞不闪烁,很有激情的,也很草根的美女。她的老公是那种谦谦君子式的,润物细无声。很好的组合。她老公跟Brad Trost 给人的感觉太像了。我问她了,大麻问题,她坚决反对。性教育大纲就不用说了,鲜明的坚决反对。M103问题,坚决反对。头巾事件,就是一个Joke。经济问题是老杜问的,她说,安省债台高筑,不是因为穷,是因为瞎花钱,比如,2个亿支持特斯拉电动车,那是富人的玩具,凭什么让老百姓的税金补贴富人的高级玩具?当问到投票策略的时候,她说“第一票投的是信念,选第一票的时候,不用考虑输赢,只考虑这个人是不是你最最喜欢的,最愿意投的那个。第二票为了输赢,当第一票输了之后,你仍然想不错的人胜利。第三票是为了挡住你最最不喜欢的人。就按照你的心意投吧,她没有意见。” 最后,我跟Tanya 说,“很高兴你能参选,因为你的加入,我家入了5张党票。你的参选,给我提供了说话的机会,否则我的需求没办法表达也没有人替我完整的表达。我相信你一定会被人标签为极右,但是我请你坚持下去。” 她说,是的,无论结果,她都要发出强烈的声音。她还特意举了个例子,她说你看Brad Trost 虽然没有赢下党领,但他的第四位的结果就让人非常震惊,这个支持他的力量,social conservative 谁也不可以轻视。” Tanya 真的是浑浊的政治圈中的一股清流,跟Tanya比,福特应该更老道,更有胜利的希望。但是发出声音,提出诉求还是靠Tanya,取胜的任务交给福特吧。我第一位投给Tanya,第二位投给福特。这样一张选票可以发挥两票的效用。据了解,真正注册的党员数不多,所以每一张选票都异常的珍贵,请珍惜选票。