其实周边地区房价上涨的幅度已经很大了,连Morgan‘s Grant,Acadia,Poole Creek都涨得离谱了。您还是休息吧……如果明年中国湖的房产税涨幅太大,坛子里有不少人会气愤的。
5 年内盖不起来, 5年后呢?当时Beaver Brook的那巨无霸高楼居民楼是被当地居民很多年时间的反对,抗议,游说下废了的。
Secondary School Site Availability: The Board does have an agreement with KNL Developments requiring the developer to provide an appropriately sized secondary school site in a future subdivision within the KNL Lands in the Marchwood Lakeside community. Based on discussions with the developer and subject to development timing and market conditions, it is anticipated that access to a site is
only likely within a 3 to 5 year period. Accommodation Outlook Although staff will continue to monitor enrolments and development, and given site availability and development timing considerations,
the timing of a new secondary school is likely just beyond the current 5 year planning horizon. Managing these increasing enrolment levels in the interim, through the use of portables and/or potential changes to school timetabling, will be challenging until a new secondary school is built.
1, 在建或即将建设的已经批准的RR4, Richcraft High Land, KNL
2, 现在的瑞奇(RR), RR1, RR2, RR3新区
3, 现在的Heritage Hill新区
4, 现在的KE新区
5, Goldridge 老湖区
6, Walden 老区
7, Golf 老区
8. Beaver Brook
9, Katimavic (面积超过1+2+3+4, 适龄7-12年级学生人数估计和1+2+3相当)
10, 新高中的位置
11, Village Green
- 1,2,3,4肯定在新高中
- 8,9, 11肯定在EOM
- 5,6,7是中间地带,有去或不去EOM的可能,得争取,5年后,到时这三个小区的人要大打出手争EOM。这坛子上你就等着看卡北各春秋小区的人斗吧。
从现在往后5年间,卡北居民是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。如果瑞奇的房子跌15万,老区现在很普遍的55-60万的小SINGLE房子还撑得住吗?得往45万-50万方向走了。 团结起来为了共同利益努力才是共赢,否则就是图中的春秋乱世。