
I guess that would be a leased car.

10000肯定是他那辆车的DOWN PAY 首期的意思啊~~~ ~~有什么可讨论的~可笑~~
最初由 鱼儿宝宝 发布
2003 Benz C240 Elegance 5500公里。黑色

wow 单姐 真的假的啊? 是首期吧?
最初由 无须完美 发布

10000肯定是他那辆车的DOWN PAY 首期的意思啊~~~ ~~有什么可讨论的~可笑~~


最初由 番茄 发布



Dumb piece of crap!
草!JB没事找事~My English aint that good compare to your smartie smartie lil brain, but at least i know what DOWNPAYMENT is. I aint good at all those cars but at least i know what a BENZ C240 is. And if you think its too cheap to buy the car then get the hell outta here, cus guess what! I got the crappy car too. This is a site based in Canada so if you aint gona accept English, then this aint a place for ya losers!
BTW: dude i think you should change ur name cus you aint that cute to fit the name 番茄. the most u got is a 西红柿.
最初由 无须完美 发布

Dumb piece of crap!
草!JB没事找事~My English aint that good compare to your smartie smartie lil brain, but at least i know what DOWNPAYMENT is. I aint good at all those cars but at least i know what a BENZ C240 is. And if you think its too cheap to buy the car then get the hell outta here, cus guess what! I got the crappy car too. This is a site based in Canada so if you aint gona accept English, then this aint a place for ya losers!
BTW: dude i think you should change ur name cus you aint that cute to fit the name 番茄. the most u got is a 西红柿.而且也快成西红柿酱了~呵呵~
还有,我不光会飞我还会双飞,至于飞的咋样问你老婆去~OOPS~sorry ,I forgot that you don't even have a wife...:p
