
前省长从去年中开始不也一直这么干吗?降电费,搞各种补贴. 好在人们群众的眼睛还是亮的(我真不好意思说雪亮)。这次但愿不要被小恩小惠蒙蔽了。
联邦直接征收碳税。。。然后,土豆扒了一层皮后,再给这些被惩罚的省的省民发一点 offset,这是拍一巴掌给个糖豆,
要什么数据?我已经quote 了主流新闻内容,给支票的来龙去脉说的很清楚了,
A senior government source confirmed a national price will be imposed on Ontario, New Brunswick, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Prince Edward Island is expected to see a "blended" program, with the federal backstop imposed on large emitters.
Ottawa plans to mail out rebate cheques to compensate people in provinces without a plan. The cheques are meant to offset some of the added cost the carbon tax will impose on goods like gasoline and natural gas.

首先,对安省等不听话的省,拒不征收碳税,联邦直接征收碳税。。。然后,土豆扒了一层皮后,再给这些被惩罚的省的省民发一点 offset,这是拍一巴掌给个糖豆,土豆以为选民都跟他一样智商。。
Good deal!
最后土豆还得问:“我慷慨地给了你们300刀,我伟大吧?" 傻笔们攥着支票高呼”哎呀妈呀,我们不差钱你还给钱,你是最可爱的人!“ :D
Carbon tax rebates to start in April
OTTAWA - The federal government will return 90 per cent of all the money it collects from a carbon price directly to the Canadians who pay it.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is unveiling the details of the carbon tax rebates, dubbed the Climate Action Incentive, as he tries to sell Canadians on the need to pay for pollution without breaking their pocketbooks.

The remaining 10 per cent will be handed out to small and medium-sized businesses, schools, hospitals and other organizations who can't pass on their costs from the carbon tax directly to consumers.

The rebates will only apply in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick — the four provinces which have refused to impose their own carbon price — and the average household payments in those provinces will range from $256 to $598.

Officials say 70 per cent of people in those provinces will get back more than they end up paying out as fuel costs rise to incorporate the carbon tax.

They will also get a four month reprieve from the carbon tax as the government pushed the implementation of its $20 per tonne tax to April 1 to give more time to fuel distributors and other companies the time they need to put it in place.

Trudeau says his new carbon tax rebate system puts a price on pollution without breaking the bank for families.

He gave a preview of the plan in two separate radio interviews earlier today.

"The vast majority of families are receiving more money back from this incentive than they pay in extra costs for the price we're putting on pollution," the prime minister told the radio station 1310 News.

He told CBC that "every resident" will be compensated "for the extra costs."

Trudeau has promised many times every penny collected from the carbon price will be returned to families and businesses and other organizations in the province where the money is raised.

The carbon tax is set to be a critical element for debate in the next federal election with the Conservatives promising to scrap it if they are elected and growing push back from premiers. Trudeau believes Canadians will be on the side of pricing pollution in order to ensure emissions are cut and climate change is kept in check.

"We know putting a price on pollution is a fundamentally essential tools to actually fighting climate change," he told 1310.

"But we also know we need to make sure that families are ok and that's why we're going to be compensating families and Canadians in the provinces in which we're bringing in a price on pollution."

Trudeau, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna and Finance Minister Bill Morneau are in the heart of Ontario Premier Doug Ford's support base in Toronto to make the announcement. Ford has been among the most critical of the carbon tax and immediately cancelled Ontario's cap and trade system when he was elected earlier this year.

Trudeau applauded the provinces that have a carbon plan, and said the others "have not gotten to the place where they're actually putting a price on pollution so they continue to want to make pollution free."

"We think that shouldn't happen," he said.

Ottawa announced two years ago it would require every province to have a price on emissions, and that it would impose one on those who refused. The current requirement is for it to be $20 a tonne by Jan. 1, rising $10 each year until it hits $50 a tonne in 2022.
Good deal!
  • John Young
Is China imposing a carbon tax? Is India imposing a carbon tax? Is the US imposing a carbon tax?
If NO, why the hell is Canada imposing a carbon tax. Ridiculous.

  • John Juan
@john Young I would like to think that Canada and Canadians aren't sheep following what the other countries do (especially China and USA right now on this issue) . Someone has to do the right thing .. maybe they will see the others doing the right thing and feel a bit of shame at their neglect of our planet and do something..

  • Jonathan D. Moddle
@john Young China and India have taken the most drastic steps to reduce emissions in the world. They're investing far more time and money into renewable energy than anyone else. THey don't have to either, no one is forcing them, they're taking the hit in stride and still developing faster than would have been thought possible a few decades ago. Of course they still pollute a lot, they have massive populations with an exploding middle class. But they are still doing more to reduce emissions than anyone else.
