2019 budget directions approved and leadership set for new term of City Council

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City Council today approved guidelines for the development of the 2019 draft City budget. The approved report also provides timelines and information on the public consultation process.

A citywide tax supported levy of no more than three per cent was approved for the draft budget. These funds will address anticipated increased labour costs and support critical infrastructure renewal projects. This funding provides an additional $9.8 million of funding towards roads, sidewalks, paths, culverts and bridges in all parts of the city. This would add no new debt and would reduce by half the time needed to eliminate the infrastructure funding gap. The budgets of the Police, Library and Public Health are also supported through this funding.

Further, direction was provided to fund 15 new school crossing guard locations across the city.

The City’s 2019 draft operating and capital budgets will be tabled at Council on February 6, 2019, with public meetings to follow. Detailed information, including dates of all standing committee meetings, will be available on ottawa.ca.

City Council also approved who will lead and serve on Ottawa’s committees, boards and agencies, and Councillors who will serve as Deputy Mayors for the 2018-2022 Term of Council.

Councillors Matthew Luloff, Laura Dudas and George Darouze will serve as Deputy Mayors, who act in place of the Mayor when he is unavailable.

Councillor Mathieu Fleury will serve as Sports Commissioner, and Councillor Catherine McKenney will perform the duties of the Council Liaison for Housing and Homelessness. City Council’s governance structure includes a new Council Liaison for Women and Gender Equity, to be filled by Councillor Theresa Kavanagh. Council Sponsors Groups have been appointed to work with staff on the development of the respective mandates for these roles.

Standing Committee appointments approved by Council today are as follows:

Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee: Chair Councillor Eli El-Chantiry, Vice-Chair Councillor Glen Gower, Councillors George Darouze, Carol Anne Meehan and Scott Moffatt

Audit Committee: Chair Councillor Jean Cloutier, Vice-Chair Councillor Carol Anne Meehan, Councillors George Darouze, Eli El-Chantiry, Allan Hubley and Theresa Kavanagh

Community and Protective Services Committee: Chair Councillor Jenna Sudds, Vice-Chair Councillor Keith Egli, Councillors Matthew Luloff, Eli El-Chantiry, Diane Deans, Mathieu Fleury, Catherine McKenney, Stephen Blais and Carol Anne Meehan

Environment and Climate Protection Committee: Chair Councillor Scott Moffatt, Vice-Chair Councillor Shawn Menard, Councillors Keith Egli, Tobi Nussbaum, Catherine McKenney, Riley Brockington, Jean Cloutier, George Darouze and Allan Hubley

Finance and Economic Development Committee: Chair Mayor Jim Watson, Vice-Chair Councillor Tim Tierney, the Deputy Mayors and Chairs of the various Standing Committees

Information Technology Sub-Committee: Chair Councillor Jeff Leiper, Vice-Chair Councillor Rick Chiarelli, Councillors Jenna Sudds, Tim Tierney and George Darouze

Planning Committee: Chair Councillor Jan Harder, Vice-Chair Councillor Tim Tierney, Councillors Laura Dudas, Glen Gower, Rick Chiarelli, Jeff Leiper, Scott Moffatt, Stephen Blais and Allan Hubley

Built Heritage Sub-Committee: Chair Councillor Glen Gower, Councillors Rick Chiarelli, Catherine McKenney, Riley Brockington and Scott Moffatt

Transit Commission: Chair Councillor Allan Hubley, Vice-Chair Councillor Jean Cloutier, Councillors Jenna Sudds, Glen Gower, Theresa Kavanagh, Tim Tierney, Catherine McKenney and Riley Brockington

Transportation Committee: Chair Councillor Stephen Blais, Vice-Chair Councillor Jeff Leiper, Councillors Matthew Luloff, Laura Dudas, Eli El-Chantiry, Diane Deans, Mathieu Fleury, Shawn Menard, George Darouze and Allan Hubley

Committee of Revision: Councillors Eli El-Chantiry, Scott Moffatt and Diane Deans

Other appointments approved by Council today include:

Ottawa Police Services Board: Recommended Chair Nominee Councillor Diane Deans for Mayor Watson, Councillors Keith Egli and Carol Anne Meehan

Ottawa Public Library Board: Recommended Chair Nominee Councillor Tim Tierney, Councillors Matthew Luloff, Riley Brockington and Carol Anne Meehan

Ottawa Board of Health: Recommended Chair Nominee Councillor Keith Egli, Councillors Eli El-Chantiry, Glen Gower, Shawn Menard, Jean Cloutier and Theresa Kavanagh

Hydro Ottawa Holding Inc.: Councillor Jan Harder for Mayor Watson, Councillor Stephen Blais

Ottawa Community Housing Corporation: In addition to Mayor Watson, recommended Chair Nominee Councillor Mathieu Fleury, Councillors Theresa Kavanagh, Catherine McKenney and Scott Moffatt

Ottawa Community Lands Development Corporation: In addition to the Mayor, Chair Councillor Tobi Nussbaum and Councillors Laura Dudas and Jan Harder

Crime Prevention Ottawa: Recommended Chair Nominee Councillor Diane Deans for Mayor Watson and Councillor Riley Brockington

City of Ottawa Superannuation Fund: Councillors Laura Dudas, Jan Harder and Jean Cloutier

Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority: Councillors Glen Gower and Eli El-Chantiry

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority: Councillors George Darouze and Scott Moffatt

South Nation Conservation Authority: Councillors Stephen Blais and George Darouze

Ottawa Film Office: Councillor Jean Cloutier for Mayor Watson

Shaw Centre Board of Directors: Councillor Jenna Sudds for Mayor Watson

Members of City Council appointed to various municipal organizations are as follows:

Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO): Councillor Riley Brockington

Association of Francophone Municipalities of Ontario (AFMO): Councillor Jean Cloutier

Canadian Capital Cities Organization (CCCO): Councillor Tobi Nussbaum

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM): Councillor Tim Tierney

Rural Ontario Municipal Association (ROMA): Councillor Eli El-Chantiry

Council Liaisons of the various Advisory Committees for this Term of Council will be appointed by the relevant Standing Committee.

For more information on City programs and services, visit ottawa.ca or call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). You can also connect with us through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
