取消半年还贷的Grace period,从净还贷额上,政府和学生都没有损失和得到好处,只是对毕业生可能造成暂时的财政困难。是,取消半年还贷的Grace period。学校和年收入$175000以下的家庭都受损,财政中长期也是受损的。只有家庭收入$175000以上的,能享受学費下调10%的好处。
因为他代表富人,而且只有眼前利益。是,取消半年还贷的Grace period。学校和年收入$175000以下的家庭都受损,财政中长期也是受损的。只有家庭收入$175000以上的,能享受学費下调10%的好处。
I believe TA, RA is the job, not the grant. You have to work in lab (most time, is over 8 hours), or class-room then get money. The professor needs these smart students do the research, pay less than hiring a local technician.真以为靠这200刀能够活下来?当年的TA, RA的钱不都是加国纳税人的Grant?那些钱足够Cover 学费,房租,吃饭,不少人还省吃简用买了辆二手车。津津乐道的教堂免费大餐不都是人家的慈善捐助?早年受益于主流价值观的资助,现在有能力回报社会了,开始口口声声喊打倒恶法了。没有当年的纳税人资助就带$35,100,$200,会有今天?要按照微信圈的价值观,早冻死街头了
去搞清楚大部分TA,RA的Funding 从哪里来的。真以为自己聪明绝顶,纳税人让本地学生这边交大笔学费,非要哭着喊着给你这个外来人员付学费,生活费,当年加国离了你运转不下去 还有真以为自己是一穷二白,赤手空拳打天下了,没有当年天朝的免费高等教育,你有能力当TA,RA?现在学生就反对取消六个月贷款计利息的Grace peroiod, 就是浪费你们纳税人的钱了I believe TA, RA is the job, not the grant. You have to work in lab (most time, is over 8 hours), or class-room then get money. The professor needs these smart students do the research, pay less than hiring a local technician.
Most TA, RA are only offered to graduate students, because These smart students (Canadians or foreign students) are selected by professors, What is A(assistant) means?, It means they will do a lots of work, that is salary, not GRANT. 本地学生这边交大笔学费, Most of them are undergraduate students. Do you know what are different between Undergraduate and graduate education?. There are some universities giving Phd students free of tuition, you know why? Because University pay less and get more. In some universities, undergraduate students (must be top) can apply for TA( or RA) job and get salary by working for professors or departments)去搞清楚大部分TA,RA的Funding 从哪里来的。真以为自己聪明绝顶,纳税人让本地学生这边交大笔学费,非要哭着喊着给你这个外来人员付学费,生活费,当年加国离了你运转不下去