友情提示, 袋鼠这周日要比赛啦,

Contest Date:
March 24, 2019
Time and Place:
Grades 9-12: The contest is in the Azrieli Theater, Carleton University,
http://carleton.ca/campus/map/#, room 101 on the first floor. Contest time is 2:00 pm to 3:15pm. Please arrive 10-15 minutes earlier, but not before 1:45pm.
Grades 5-8: Contest time is 12:15 to 1:30 pm. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes earlier but not before 11:50 pm.
From 11:50 to 12:10, participants will be admitted into the following rooms:
Grade 5 and 6 – room 101 on the first floor;
Grade 7 and 8 – room 301 on the third floor.
Grades 1-4: Contest time for gr.1-2 is 10:30 am and will take 45 minutes. Contest time for gr.3-4 is 10:30 am and will take 60 minutes. From 10:10 to 10:25, participants will be admitted into the following rooms:
Grade 1-2 - room 101 on the 1st floor;
Grade 3-4 – room 301 on the 3rd floor