2019年袋鼠kangaroo 数学竞赛要报名啦


可以做做袋鼠的样题, 北京数学,IXL, 新加坡数学,,,,,,

参加学校组织的数学比赛。比如caribou math也不错,这比赛最大的好处是竞赛和练习结合,车轮大战。一年考很多次,可以检验数学学习进度,全球统考,也可以看出孩子数学水平在全球范围的相对比较。看EOM群有人说,EOM 有4人进全球TOP 100。一堆人进全球TOP 5%之类的。如果所在学校没有,可以家长集体动员学校参加,费用不高,就是学校上不上心的问题了。
的确需要全面开花,知道好几个McMaster HS的学生(现在已经医学院毕业)。除了学习好,做很多义工,临床研究,大学期间社团领导,part time有DJ,游泳教练,滑雪教练,体操教练……拿了好多奖,人文类的奖更是不在话下。
我不得不对你说的这95说点看法。 有些打分严的中学(比如EOM),能最后总评95以上的,都是神仙级别的,一个年级几百号人中找不出几个。好在有些认真一点的大学仔细分析,要是去申请那些只看绝对分数的大学(比如某某“世界名校”)那可真是亏大了去了。千万别拿这95分去困扰EOM家长。在EOM 90以上基本相当有95以上的竞争力。

依我看啊,大侄子有冲刺前600的潜力 (可能性90%):)

多伦多那边满大街IB学校,和各类私校,想着法给高分。看看本地孩子讨论 IB的转换分数吧

Veronica Guthrie
Posted: 20/03/2017
Ahaha looks like you've stumbled upon IB's best kept secret.
I did IB and I 100% agree that the courses were easy but the conversions were so stupidly high that anyone who did decent could get a 90 average. An example of how whack it was:
For science, a level 7 is 80%+ raw mark (so like scoring an 80 on a test). A 7 then becomes a 97-100. So, for getting only 4/5 of the test right, you get a near perfect score. Furthermore, a level 5 was about a 68%. Wanna know what that becomes? A 90%. A level 5 in IB is slightly above average, but it translates to a significantly above average Ontario grade.
Some IB courses are reaaaallly bad when it comes to conversion, and in my IB year it was HL history and HL physics that were the worst. Say you got a 70 on a history paper. That's a 7, so a beautiful 97% is put on your report card. And, say you failed the HL physics exams in May 2016 with a 48%. You would also get a 7, and a final mark of 97%. Pretty wild, eh?
Any SL course was a joke. SL math is a scam and is actually waaaaaaay easier than adv fun and calc and vec because it skims through all the material. Plus, there's no thinking questions, every question is pretty easy to understand and interpret. When you factor in the Math conversion (also 80% -> level 7) you get an easy 98% even if you don't fully understand the concepts or leave part of a question blank.
Higher level IB courses are a challenge, and I do think it's fair that the conversion is high because I guarantee the Ontario equivalents don't come close to what I had to do. However, I hate how SL courses are treated so special when in reality they are similar or subpar to what is taught by the province. Will it ever get under control? Hell no, every IB school in Ontario works together to keep conversions high, because most students pay for IB and some of that money is kept by the school.
Sorry for the rant guys. It's just that after 2 years of IB, I can finally see what it was really like and I could see through the bullshit that my IB teachers were spreading. IB is pretty helpful and you do learn some cool stuff that no one else does, but damn Ontario needs to get it under control.
多伦多那边满大街IB学校,和各类私校,想着法给高分。看看本地孩子讨论 IB的转换分数吧

Veronica Guthrie
Posted: 20/03/2017
Ahaha looks like you've stumbled upon IB's best kept secret.
I did IB and I 100% agree that the courses were easy but the conversions were so stupidly high that anyone who did decent could get a 90 average. An example of how whack it was:
For science, a level 7 is 80%+ raw mark (so like scoring an 80 on a test). A 7 then becomes a 97-100. So, for getting only 4/5 of the test right, you get a near perfect score. Furthermore, a level 5 was about a 68%. Wanna know what that becomes? A 90%. A level 5 in IB is slightly above average, but it translates to a significantly above average Ontario grade.
Some IB courses are reaaaallly bad when it comes to conversion, and in my IB year it was HL history and HL physics that were the worst. Say you got a 70 on a history paper. That's a 7, so a beautiful 97% is put on your report card. And, say you failed the HL physics exams in May 2016 with a 48%. You would also get a 7, and a final mark of 97%. Pretty wild, eh?
Any SL course was a joke. SL math is a scam and is actually waaaaaaay easier than adv fun and calc and vec because it skims through all the material. Plus, there's no thinking questions, every question is pretty easy to understand and interpret. When you factor in the Math conversion (also 80% -> level 7) you get an easy 98% even if you don't fully understand the concepts or leave part of a question blank.
Higher level IB courses are a challenge, and I do think it's fair that the conversion is high because I guarantee the Ontario equivalents don't come close to what I had to do. However, I hate how SL courses are treated so special when in reality they are similar or subpar to what is taught by the province. Will it ever get under control? Hell no, every IB school in Ontario works together to keep conversions high, because most students pay for IB and some of that money is kept by the school.
Sorry for the rant guys. It's just that after 2 years of IB, I can finally see what it was really like and I could see through the bullshit that my IB teachers were spreading. IB is pretty helpful and you do learn some cool stuff that no one else does, but damn Ontario needs to get it under control.

其实稍微打听一下读IB的几点睡觉,读Home school的几点睡觉。。欧对了,刨去校车时间。。课程难易程度,作业量多少基本就应该有了大概齐。。be fair的话,也不会对2015年后分数转换的调整有太多不愤。。另外刷分的私校的确存在,但是你要说UCC SAC UTS这样的私校也能刷分,那他们也成不了百年老校了。。


其实稍微打听一下读IB的几点睡觉,读Home school的几点睡觉。。欧对了,刨去校车时间。。课程难易程度,作业量多少基本就应该有了大概齐。。be fair的话,也不会对2015年后分数转换的调整有太多不愤。。另外刷分的私校的确存在,但是你要说UCC SAC UTS这样的私校也能刷分,那他们也成不了百年老校了。。


多伦多的这些家长和孩子说得很直白了,关键词 ”BOOST“, 然后被抓阄抓到的概率大幅攀升。

你去打听打听CB IB最牛的IB MATH HL有几个人选,,,, EOM AP2有多少人选,,,,,你就知道啦。:evil:


其实稍微打听一下读IB的几点睡觉,读Home school的几点睡觉。。欧对了,刨去校车时间。。课程难易程度,作业量多少基本就应该有了大概齐。。be fair的话,也不会对2015年后分数转换的调整有太多不愤。。另外刷分的私校的确存在,但是你要说UCC SAC UTS这样的私校也能刷分,那他们也成不了百年老校了。。

多伦多的这些家长和孩子说得很直白了,关键词 ”BOOST“, 然后被抓阄抓到的概率大幅攀升。

你去打听打听CB IB最牛的IB MATH HL有几个人选,,,, EOM AP2有多少人选,,,,,你就知道啦。:evil:

HL Math 对等的是AP calculus BC..Calculus AB Earl都不开。。

HL Math 对等的是AP calculus BC..Calculus AB Earl都不开。。
AP Calculus BC我村只有私校开。BC并不比AB难,只是内容多一些。