最初由 人在天涯 发布

what does "关押期间"mean?
What are you thinking?Poor man!!~~~Do not think you are the No1!Actually, you are nothing!:flaming: :flaming:
最初由 人在天涯 发布

最初由 Cold Blood 发布
1我在2手市场发了帖子,并没有违反规定,我把所有要卖的东西都发在一张照片里,可是我发一次,人家就删一次,总共4此,不知道是什么意思,希望你能帮我问个清楚,无缘无故就删帖子而且是多次,这也太嚣张了把,看我不顺就直接说好了,没必要这么做把,我说的这个人就是--人在天涯:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:

You deserve that!

Second-hand forum is for people who sell un-used stuff with reasonable price...You are trying to sell things there to make high margin profit.
Re: Re: RIVEN 请进

最初由 小傻 发布

You deserve that!

Second-hand forum is for people who sell un-used stuff with reasonable price...You are trying to sell things there to make high margin profit.
傻: please prove your words, i sell mao jian and mao tai, mao jian ask for 40/box and mao tai 80/bottle, is it a resonable priece?? and i also sold some,if it is not reasonable,why people bought them??:o anyway, if you like to buy it, you buy it. if you don't like,just forget it.it is so simple. i don't think the price is key point, right?:o Actually, you are really 傻...:D
Re: Re: RIVEN 请进

最初由 小傻 发布

You deserve that!

Second-hand forum is for people who sell un-used stuff with reasonable price...You are trying to sell things there to make high margin profit.

Re: Re: RIVEN 请进

最初由 小傻 发布

You deserve that!

Second-hand forum is for people who sell un-used stuff with reasonable price...You are trying to sell things there to make high margin profit.
It is said that" 二手市场 卖东西,买东西 ".Did you see that,man?It does not say "must sell second-hand goods" and there are many people who sold stuff in "二手市场" before.Can you say they are wrong too!
If you think the price is not reasonable,you just don't buy them.Why they can not post information to sell?
我已经分别找版主和当事人谈过,当事人已承认两次违犯版规的事实,并且同意在规定的日期之后再发帖子的意见.版主的所作所为也是为规范二手市场的秩序, 在多次警告下仍然违反版规的的话,斑竹有权采取措施禁止违法用户发贴, 包括删除所有该用户在二手市场发布的帖子,这属于惩罚方法.希望各位理解.
最初由 Riven 发布
我已经分别找版主和当事人谈过,当事人已承认两次违犯版规的事实,并且同意在规定的日期之后再发帖子的意见.版主的所作所为也是为规范二手市场的秩序, 在多次警告下仍然违反版规的的话,斑竹有权采取措施禁止违法用户发贴, 包括删除所有该用户在二手市场发布的帖子,这属于惩罚方法.希望各位理解.
多次警告?? just once, is it equal to 多次?? i don't think the way what 斑竹 did is correct. Actually, 斑竹 just want to delete my 帖子,no matter what i did is right or wrong. that is my opinion.
冒昧的问一句,我查看了二手市场的帖子,好多人都违反了规定,帖子不是也没有被删,更别说删除当事人所有没有违反规定的帖子。那为什么COLD BLOOD的没有违反规定的帖子也被删了。坛主这样维护人在天涯是不是不是很恰当。错就是错,没有勇气承认错误的斑竹,你还要维护他?这不能不让人想到中国现在领导阶层的陋习--“官官相护”。可能我的语气有些过激,可是我不认为我说错了。是需要反省的时候了!