Group study for CFA

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<HTML>I have registered to the CFA (certified financial analyst) exam I for June 2002. If someone registered also and like to form a group study in Ottawa, you are more than welcome. I can provide help in economics, and my colleague can help in accounting. Give me a call at 748-2078. I believe never too late to upgrade your knowledge (I just start to learn Spanish too). For more infor about CFA, please check:</HTML>
<HTML>Sorry, CFA stands for: The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA? Program </HTML>

It is too late for me to register 2002 CFA 1, but I am preparing for the 2003 CFA 1,so I want to know more information about this Exam, and where to find the materials and books, and the most important thing is that how to prepare for the Exam , so that I will have more confidence about this Exam.</HTML>
<HTML>whether I ought to buy Pre-level 1 book for preparation in advance, and which book seller do you choose. Whether you just buy study note for level one. I was told that it is
unnecessary to read the textbooks and will pass exam as long as you read the
study note and complete the practices along with the note, is it right?</HTML>
<HTML>sonia , I am going to buy the study note for Level I only. Since I am going to China this month, I will start dealing with CFA in January. After I have more info, I will pass to you.</HTML>
<HTML>I had took the CFA Level I exam this year and I had passed it. Sonia, you can still register for the coming June exam. The final deadline is March 31, 2002, I believe. You don't have to buy all the text books. It is waste of money since you won't able to read them all and it is kind time consuming. Buy the study notes from Schwers. It really helps for the exam. I just readed all the notes and the practice exams. I got passed!!!

By the way, is there anyone who are going to take the Level II exam?? Please contact me so we can discuss areas that we are not familiar with. I will start to study it in March or April.

Good luck :)</HTML>
<HTML>sonia, open website:
You will find all information. I ordered the study note for level I through phone at 1-888-325-5072, cost $275+tax+$30 shipping in US$.</HTML>
<HTML>To be awarded the CFA charter, a candidate must:
Firstly.Sequentially pass the Level1,level11 and level111 Exam. Please tell me the meaning of sequentially?</HTML>
<HTML>You can only take one exam each year (since they are on the same day, and only once a year), and you have to pass Level I in order to take Level II exam. You will spend minimum three years to pass all three exams, or you have maximum 7 years to pass without re-register in case you fail any one of them . This is the meaning of "sequentially". Good luck.</HTML>
<HTML>it seems that we have quite a few Chinese in finance field. I suggest we meet sometimes and exchange ideas. I felt lonely in this field since the majority of Chinese immigrants are in hitech. I am in the CGA program right now.
If there is someone interested in my proposal, please email me.</HTML>
<HTML>Wen, what a surprise!!! I am currently doing both the CGA and CFA too. I am taking courses in level 4 and pace level in the CGA program now. What level are you in for the CFA? I wanna know people who are going to take the CFA LevelII exam in the coming June. Unfortunately, I am not in Ottawa :( Well, we can exchange ideas via eamil :)

Sonia, I think Wayne has answered your question quite well. There is no need for me to clarfy it :) If you have any further questions, I will try my best to find the answer for you.</HTML>
<HTML>Hi, Flying angel:

I have some courses left in both Level 4 and PACE level CGA. I will take MU1 in the winter term. I am surprised that you are in both programs. One CGA course can already consume all my spare time.
Yes, if you are interested, you can email me.


I haven't took AU1 yet. I still have AU1 and TX1 in level 4. I just finished FA4 in the last session. I am taking the LW1 for this winter session since CGA association didn't grant the credit for me. Actually, I just started the CGA program this year. Therefore, most of the credits I got were transferred from my university courses.

I agree that one CGA course takes almost all of our spare time, especially the pace level courses. The assignment is so heavy that I spent every weekend try to finish it. As a result, I will take the spring session off to study for my CFA LevelII exam :) Honestly, the CFA LevelI exam was easy since I had studied all the materials at university already. But I think LevelII will be difficult since it involve a lot technical and professional judgements.

Keep in touch, and good luck to both of us ::)</HTML>
<HTML>Hi, Flying agel:

Could you call me 234-5157? I wish to talk to you.
