

我认为中国是个大染缸 你不认为 本身就是立场的差别 你自己说的话就证明了你的立场
我认为中国是个大染缸 你不认为 本身就是立场的差别 你自己说的话就证明了你的立场
哈哈,您的高论“不反共到加拿大来干什么 支持共产党?”天雷滚滚,让人三观尽碎:):)
哈哈,您的高论“不反共到加拿大来干什么 支持共产党?”天雷滚滚,让人三观尽碎:):)

你不知道我说了多少人的心里话呢 别着急 孟晚舟引渡案马上要开庭了

香港土共梦碎, 台湾选举土共梦碎, 别着急, 梦晚舟也会梦碎, 三观碎不碎是个人观点, 这土共三梦碎可是事实, 而且已经三发生二


华为梦碎, 出口梦碎, 债务梦碎, 但是但是但是 我仍然支持习近平继续领导三十年:)
你不知道我说了多少人的心里话呢 别着急 孟晚舟引渡案马上要开庭了

香港土共梦碎, 台湾选举土共梦碎, 别着急, 梦晚舟也会梦碎, 三观碎不碎是个人观点, 这土共三梦碎可是事实, 而且已经三发生二


华为梦碎, 出口梦碎, 债务梦碎, 但是但是但是 我仍然支持习近平继续领导三十年:)
你就碎碎念好了 :)
新疆梦碎, 西藏梦碎, 内蒙古梦碎。

一带一路梦碎, 航母梦碎。

这里那里的梦碎, 首先就是要在宣传上全面围剿中国共产党, 让它顾头顾不了尾, 顾东顾不了西。 可是一切的一切, 必须战, 只有战才能施压, 只有战才能让土共露出最怕的破绽。 感谢天选川普, 战土共扭转形势。
新疆梦碎, 西藏梦碎, 内蒙古梦碎。

一带一路梦碎, 航母梦碎。

这里那里的梦碎, 首先就是要在宣传上全面围剿中国共产党, 让它顾头顾不了尾, 顾东顾不了西。 可是一切的一切, 必须战, 只有战才能施压, 只有战才能让土共露出最怕的破绽。 感谢天选川普, 战土共扭转形势。
真好玩。感谢博士,让枯燥的冬季多了一个欢乐的理由 :) 不能停呀:)
给中国一个教训 跟北京说不 你要听啊, 我每天能着二十个视频反共

罢免韩国鱼, 下架吴思怀, 气死五毛团:jiayou:
新疆梦碎, 西藏梦碎, 内蒙古梦碎。

一带一路梦碎, 航母梦碎。

这里那里的梦碎, 首先就是要在宣传上全面围剿中国共产党, 让它顾头顾不了尾, 顾东顾不了西。 可是一切的一切, 必须战, 只有战才能施压, 只有战才能让土共露出最怕的破绽。 感谢天选川普, 战土共扭转形势。

你跟土共是差不多的, 我和你意见不一, 怎么会和土共差不多
瑕疵?那根本就是 GP不通好吧。这和某位网友的“价值观不一样就是共党间谍”一说是遥相呼应。
BTW, 你可能真是瞎了眼。我的表现就是基于你不论青红皂白逢中必反的表现扛扛你而已

A group of Iranian protesters demanded Saturday that the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, step down after the government said its military had by mistake shot down a Ukrainian plane, killing all 176 people on board.
Also on Saturday, Iran briefly detained the British ambassador to Iran.

British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab slammed the Iranian action as breaking international law.
"The arrest of our Ambassador in Tehran without grounds or explanation is a flagrant violation of international law," Raab said. "The Iranian government is at a cross-roads moment. It can continue its march towards pariah status with all the political and economic isolation that entails, or take steps to deescalate tensions and engage in a diplomatic path forwards."
The protesters in Iran on Saturday expressed anger at what they perceived as an initial cover-up on the cause of the crash of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752, which went down shortly after it took off from Tehran early Wednesday.
Prior to Iran's admission Saturday, it had denied shooting down the plane.

WORLDIran admits to unintentionally shooting down Ukrainian plane

VIDEOIran admits to shooting down Ukrainian plane in ‘human error’
Those aboard the doomed flight included 82 Iranians, 63 Canadians and 11 Ukrainians, including the nine crew members. Ten passengers were from Sweden, four from Afghanistan, three from Germany and three from the United Kingdom.

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U.S. intelligence officials had said earlier that evidence suggested the plane was shot down by an Iranian missile by mistake, multiple officials said.

Video appears to capture moment plane was shot down near Tehran
JAN. 9, 202000:29

"Commander-in-chief (Khamenei) resign, resign," videos posted on Twitter showed hundreds of people chanting, in front of Tehran’s Amir Kabir university.
The crowds included middle-class professionals, as well as students.
President Donald Trump weighed in Saturday, tweeting support for the protesters.
Maia Davis
Reuters and Dennis Romero contributed.
by Taboola
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