向问天 日月神教光明左使 VIP 注册 2012-09-04 消息 64,000 荣誉分数 11,553 声望点数 1,373 2020-03-20 #662 ccc 说: 浏览附件889168 点击展开... 我对数字麻木了。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,731 荣誉分数 37,578 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-20 #664 Staff member in Vice President Mike Pence's office tests positive for coronavirus A staff member in Vice President Mike Pence's office has tested positive for coronavirus, Pence's spokesperson said Friday evening. www.cnn.com
Staff member in Vice President Mike Pence's office tests positive for coronavirus A staff member in Vice President Mike Pence's office has tested positive for coronavirus, Pence's spokesperson said Friday evening. www.cnn.com
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,731 荣誉分数 37,578 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-21 #665 heureux 说: 美国破两万,加拿大破一千, 就在今天明天。 点击展开... ccc 说: 今天。 点击展开...
lindamy 时代广场舞照跳 VIP 注册 2005-11-23 消息 30,322 荣誉分数 7,459 声望点数 373 2020-03-21 #666 为了和意大利的数据比较,这个图中,美国比实际日期提前了10天,加拿大再提前9天。图中三个标出的数据都是今天的。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,731 荣誉分数 37,578 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-21 #667 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/covid-19-jon-meddings-bonspiel-cumming-school-of-medicine-1.5505411
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,731 荣誉分数 37,578 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-21 #668 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/covid-emergency-legislation-powers-1.5505364
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,731 荣誉分数 37,578 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-21 #669 https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/why-isn-t-b-c-sharing-the-location-of-covid-19-patients-1.5505441
heureux 闲逛 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-18 消息 46,321 荣誉分数 20,268 声望点数 1,393 2020-03-21 #671 肥猫 说: 今天有更新么?还是周末病毒也不扰人了? 点击展开... 渥太华新增一个
肥猫 本站元老 注册 2002-04-29 消息 7,469 荣誉分数 2,178 声望点数 373 2020-03-21 #672 heureux 说: 渥太华新增一个 点击展开... 刚在另一贴看到你的更新了。谢谢!
lindamy 时代广场舞照跳 VIP 注册 2005-11-23 消息 30,322 荣誉分数 7,459 声望点数 373 2020-03-21 #673 截止昨天为止, 为了和意大利的数据比较,这个图中,美国比实际日期提前了10天,加拿大再提前9天。图中三个标出的数据都是今天的。
lindamy 时代广场舞照跳 VIP 注册 2005-11-23 消息 30,322 荣誉分数 7,459 声望点数 373 2020-03-21 #674 我村在100 以下,还在线性区间。 为了和意大利的数据比较,这个图中,美国比实际日期提前了10天,加拿大再提前9天。图中三个标出的数据都是今天的。
lindamy 时代广场舞照跳 VIP 注册 2005-11-23 消息 30,322 荣誉分数 7,459 声望点数 373 2020-03-21 #675 There are 10,356 confirmed coronavirus cases across New York, governor says From CNN's Sheena Jones There are at least 10,356 confirmed cases of Covid-19 across New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference Saturday. At least 45,000 people have been tested for Covid-19, the governor said. About 15% of those cases are being hospitalized. "The more test you take, the more positives you find," Cuomo said. 点击展开...
There are 10,356 confirmed coronavirus cases across New York, governor says From CNN's Sheena Jones There are at least 10,356 confirmed cases of Covid-19 across New York, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference Saturday. At least 45,000 people have been tested for Covid-19, the governor said. About 15% of those cases are being hospitalized. "The more test you take, the more positives you find," Cuomo said. 点击展开...