
1 hr 28 min ago
Pennsylvania governor asks all residents to wear masks when leaving their home

A person wearing a mask walks past a boarded up business in Philadelphia, on Thursday, April 2. (

A person wearing a mask walks past a boarded up business in Philadelphia, on Thursday, April 2. ( Matt Rourke/AP

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf asked in a press conference Friday that all Pennsylvanians wear a mask anytime they leave their home for essential needs.
“Today I am asking all Pennsylvanians to wear a mask anytime you leave your house. Masks help prevent people from sharing illnesses. They don’t do a great job at keeping people from getting sick, and they’re not foolproof. So it’s critical that our first act, as Secretary Levine said, is to ask ourselves if we really need to leave our house. If we don’t really, truly need to leave, then we shouldn’t,” Wolf said.
Wolf said that N95 and paper masks should still be reserved for healthcare workers, and that residents should use cloth to cover their nose and mouth, or make their own mask. Guidelines for making your own mask can be found on the state’s website, Wolf said.

“Wearing a mask will help us cut down the possibility that we might be infecting an innocent bystander, like that grocery store cashier, the pharmacist, or someone stocking shelves,” he said.
2 hr 16 min ago
Turkey makes masks mandatory in public and shuts down traffic in 30 areas
From CNN's Gul Tuysuz

A woman, wearing a mask and gloves walks by a statue in Istanbul, Friday, April 3.

A woman, wearing a mask and gloves walks by a statue in Istanbul, Friday, April 3. Emrah Gurel/AP

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan just announced stricter measures to combat the spread of coronavirus.
Here's a look at the measures:
  • Masks will be mandatory in supermarkets, bazaars and work places, Erdogan said in a televised address today.

  • Vehicular traffic is prohibited in and out of 30 major metropolitan areas as well as the province of Zonguldak, where there are high numbers of chronic respiratory illness, Erdogan said. Intercity travel is already restricted by plane and bus in Turkey. The new measure applies to private vehicles.

  • The new measures also extend the scope of aged-based mandatory lockdown to people under the age of 20, Erdogan said. Turkey previously instituted a forced quarantine for people over the age of 65 and for people with chronic illnesses.
15 min ago
Colorado governor asks everybody in the state to wear a mask

David Zalubowski/AP

David Zalubowski/AP

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis asked everybody in his state to wear a mask when they leave their homes.

"Now, if you've been around grocery stores, you've noticed that more and more people are wearing cloth masks — we want everybody in Colorado to do that," Polis said during a press conference today.

He asked people to use non-medical masks to save resources for health care workers, and tweeted tweeted out a photo of him wearing one of his own.

Jared Polis

