2 Californians died of coronavirus weeks before previously known 1st US death


2 Californians died of coronavirus weeks before previously known 1st US death
By Jason Hanna and Sarah Moon, CNN

Updated 1337 GMT (2137 HKT) April 22, 2020

(CNN)New autopsy results show two Californians died of coronavirus in early and mid-February -- up to three weeks before the previously known first US death from the virus.
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Doctors try to untangle why they're seeing 'unprecedented' blood clotting among Covid-19 patients

These deaths now stand as the country's earliest two attributed to the novel coronavirus, a development that may change the understanding of how early the virus was spreading in the country, health experts told CNN Wednesday.

Two deaths in Northern California's Santa Clara County happened February 6 and 17, the county said Tuesday in a news release.

The previously understood first coronavirus death happened on February 29 in Kirkland, Washington.

Time line
December 31, 2019: China reports mysterious pneumonia cases to the World Health Organization.
January 7, 2020: China says the cases were caused by a new coronavirus.
January 17: US starts screening for symptoms at certain airports.
January 21: First US case confirmed in Washington state.
January 31: US says it will deny entry to foreign nationals who've traveled in China in the last 14 days.
February 6: A person in California's Santa Clara County dies of coronavirus; link not confirmed until April 21.
February 17: A second person in California's Santa Clara County dies of coronavirus; link not confirmed until April 21.
February 26: CDC announces what's then thought to be the first possible US case of community spread, in California.
February 29: A patient dies of coronavirus in Washington state -- then believed to be the country's first novel coronavirus death.

The two in California had no known travel histories to China or anywhere else that would have exposed them to the virus, Dr. Sara Cody, the county's chief medical officer, told The New York Times. They are presumed to have caught the virus through community spread, she told the Times.

"That is a very significant finding," Dr. Ashish K. Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, told CNN's "New Day" on Wednesday.

"Somebody who died on February 6, they probably contracted that virus early to mid-January. It takes at least two to three weeks from the time you contract the virus and you die from it."

If they did not contract coronavirus through travel abroad, that also is significant, Jha said.

"That means there was community spread happening in California as early as mid-January, if not earlier than that," Jha said.

"We really need to now go back, look at a lot more cases from January -- even December -- and try to sort out when did we first really encounter this virus in the United States," Jha said.

CDC confirmed Tuesday that tissue samples were positive
The Santa Clara County Medical Examiner-Coroner performed autopsies on two people who died in their homes February 6 and 17 and sent samples to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the county said Tuesday.

The CDC confirmed Tuesday that the tissue samples tested positive for coronavirus, the county said.

A third death in early March was also confirmed to be virus-related, the release said.

At the time of the deaths, the county said, testing for the virus was very limited -- generally restricted only to people with a known travel history and seeking treatment for certain symptoms, and available only through the CDC.

Further details on the victims were not provided.

The county said that as more deaths in the county are investigated, it's likely there will be more that are tied to the virus.

Dr. Colleen Kraft, associate chief medical officer of Atlanta's Emory University Hospital, agreed with Jha about the announcement's significance.

"That also means that a lot more people have had this, probably asymptomatically or with mild illness, than we thought before," Kraft said Tuesday.

CNN's Christina Maxouris contributed to this report.
Autopsies reveal first confirmed U.S. coronavirus deaths occurred in California in February

Two coronavirus-infected people died in Santa Clara County on Feb. 6 and Feb. 17, the medical examiner revealed Tuesday, making them first documented COVID-19 fatalities in the United States.

Until now, the first fatality was believed to have occurred in Kirkland, Wash., on Feb. 29.

Officials previously had said the first Silicon Valley death was March 9. But the Santa Clara County medical examiner revealed Tuesday that people who died Feb. 6, Feb. 17 and March 6 also died of COVID-19.

"These three individuals died at home during a time when very limited testing was available only through the [U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]. Testing criteria set by the CDC at the time restricted testing to only individuals with a known travel history and who sought medical care for specific symptoms," the county said in a statement. "As the Medical Examiner-Coroner continues to carefully investigate deaths throughout the county, we anticipate additional deaths from COVID-19 will be identified."

Silicon Valley was an early center of the coronavirus outbreak. So far it has reported nearly 2,000 cases and eight deaths.

There have been growing concerns that the new coronavirus has been in California longer than experts first believed.

Dr. Jeff Smith, a physician who is the chief executive of Santa Clara County government, said earlier this month that data collected by the CDC, local health departments and others suggest it was “a lot longer than we first believed” — most likely since “back in December.”

“This wasn’t recognized because we were having a severe flu season,” Smith said in an interview. “Symptoms are very much like the flu. If you got a mild case of COVID, you didn’t really notice. You didn’t even go to the doctor. The doctor maybe didn’t even do it because they presumed it was the flu.”

In January and most of February, there was little if any community testing in California.

A preliminary study, conducted by researchers at Stanford University, estimates that between 2.5% and 4.2% of Santa Clara County residents had antibodies to the new coronavirus in their blood by early April. Antibodies are an indication that a person’s immune system has responded to a past infection.

Though the county had reported roughly 1,000 cases in early April, the Stanford researchers estimate the actual number was between 48,000 and 81,000, or 50 to 85 times greater.

6 hr 21 min ago
This California town is testing every resident for coronavirus and antibodies
From CNN's Augie Martin

A medical professional administers a coronavirus test at a drive thru testing location in Bolinas, California, on April 20.

A medical professional administers a coronavirus test at a drive thru testing location in Bolinas, California, on April 20. Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

A remote Northern California hamlet became one of the first places in the world Monday to attempt to comprehensively test all of its residents for Covid-19 and the antibodies believed to make one immune from infection.

The community-wide free testing effort in Bolinas, California, is voluntary. The town is one of two communities taking part in the new study launched by the University of California, San Francisco with the aim of gaining a more complete understanding of how the virus invisibly spread during the initial shortfall of comprehensive nationwide testing.

Bolinas, with a population of fewer than 2,000 people, sits idyllically on the Pacific Ocean in rural Marin County, just north of San Francisco. Starting this past Monday, residents of this picturesque town have four days to visit a pop-up testing site to receive nasal swabs for Covid-19 infection, as well as submit for a finger prick to test for antibodies.

Five days later, beginning on April 25, and in an entirely different location, nearly 6,000 residents of a section of the densely inhabited Mission District in San Francisco will have four days of their own in which to take advantage of the testing.

Read more here.

12 min ago
First Indiana Covid-19 infections occurred at least 2 weeks before first reported case, authorities say

The US state of Indiana is working to go back and identify every death they think may have been associated with Covid-19 in order to get a more accurate count, according to Indiana Health Commissioner, Dr. Kristina Box.

Dr. Box said the state has tracked cases that go back to at least mid-February, weeks before Indiana’s first reported case in early March.
"There are other individuals that were in the hospital, that may have been discharged with the diagnosis of Covid-19. And that's what we're in the process of trying to make sure that we know all of those individuals, in addition to those deaths," Dr. Box said.
"Because if we only report on the other suspected Covid-19, or presumed Covid-19 deaths, as other states are, but we don't have that underlying number of other people that were sick but didn't die from it, it's going to really inflate that the death rate number for the states.”
Dr. Box said while Indiana should expect to see an increase in deaths posted on Friday as a result of these efforts, the increase will add fewer than a hundred fatalities to the state total.

Indiana today is reporting 394 new Covid-19 infections, and 31 new fatalities, bringing the state’s totals to 12,438 cases and 661 Covid-19 related deaths.
9 min ago
A healthy California woman who "suddenly died" becomes first known US coronavirus death

A seemingly healthy 57-year-old woman from California's San Francisco Bay Area "suddenly died" in early February, becoming the first known United States death related to the coronavirus, the Los Angeles Times first reported on Wednesday.

Patricia Dowd, who worked as a manager for a semiconductor company, “exercised routinely, watched her diet and took no medication,” the Times reported.
Dowd’s older brother Rick Cabello confirmed to CNN that she didn’t smoke and that she was in good health.

"She was an athlete in her high school days, she was always active," Cabello said.

Before Dowd was found dead on February 6, "she had flu-like symptoms for a few days, then appeared to recover," the Times reported.

Five days before she died, she called Cabello to tell him she couldn’t make it to a family visit in Stockton, California.

"She wasn’t feeling well, which was very unusual for her," Cabello said. "I remember her specifically saying 'I'm not feeling well,'" he added.

The Los Angeles Times reported that she had cancelled plans to go a weekend funeral.

Dowd started working from home as her condition improved and had been in touch with a colleague around 8 a.m. on the day of her death. She was found dead about two hours later, according to the Times.

Her sudden death was a shock to family members. They all believed it was a heart attack, Cabello said.

New details: On Tuesday, Santa Clara County announced that tissue samples for two people who died in February came back positive for the coronavirus. Both individuals died in their residences in Santa Clara County -- one was a 57-year-old woman who died on February 6 and the other was a 69-year-old man who died on February 17.

The county did not identify or provide any more details of the deaths other than the gender and ages.

In a news conference on Wednesday morning, Santa Clara County Department of Public Health director Dr. Sara Cody said neither case had a recent travel history that would have exposed them to the virus and that they presume each case represents community transmission.

Cabello said Dowd was a frequent world traveler.

A family member told the Times that she had planned to travel to China later this year and went abroad "multiple times a year to different global locations." The Times also reported that Dowd had a history of foreign travel, as did her co-workers at Lam Research.

Dowd was “hardworking, loyal, and caring,” Cabello told the Times.

She was the energy person in her large network of friends,” said Cabello. “She was everybody’s rock.”

In a tribute wall set up for Dowd by the Cusimano Family Colonial Mortuary, a coworker wrote, "I'll always remember the kindness and generosity of her spirit. She was genuinely caring and had an amazing energy."
加州补报死亡病例改写美国疫情时间线 美媒怎么看?

文章来源: 纽约时报 于 2020-04-23 08:37:35 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!







圣克拉拉县的卫生主管萨拉·科迪(Sara Cody)博士在接受采访时说:“这些死亡,每一例可能都只是冰山的一角。”

加州州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)周三表示,随着在全州范围内进一步就该病毒的最早起源展开调查,可能还会有“进一步的消息宣布”。他说,调查人员正在查看一些县去年12月的验尸官和尸检报告。







“如果已经在这里了,那么这样做又有什么意义呢?”传染病专家、约翰·霍普金斯健康安全中心(Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security)高级学者阿迈什·阿达尔贾(Amesh Adalja)博士说。















