
我的情况跟你一样,也在犹豫要不要plea of guilty。在没有意识的情况下,40限速开到52。同一个地方连收两张,中间差一天。最近老经过那里,搞不好后面还会接到同样的罚单。

You are over-worried. I have one parking ticket $135 and one speeding ticket $131. Both need to go to court. Going to court just like going to Casino and chances are better than Casino. When the fine is reduced you lose less. When the fine is not reduced you lose a bit more. Think it positively, you create jobs for our community when you need an interpreter in the court, and the more people go to court, the more clerk or judges need to be hired, or may need to expand the courtroom. You create more jobs for the country.

You may say it waste taxpayers' money. True! But Governments don't give a damn to spent, who gives a damn to be in Casino. Of course, you need to do the math if you lose one day's pay for going to the court you should think it twice.
我有点不明白,到底是看限速开,还是看车流开?我看大家都超速啊?你不超就好像挡住别人的路了似的。比如高速限速100,我都开到120-140了。市内也没见人照着限速开的呀? 那拍到你超速后多久罚单寄到你家呢?



You are over-worried. I have one parking ticket $135 and one speeding ticket $131. Both need to go to court. Going to court just like going to Casino and chances are better than Casino. When the fine is reduced you lose less. When the fine is not reduced you lose a bit more. Think it positively, you create jobs for our community when you need an interpreter in the court, and the more people go to court, the more clerk or judges need to be hired, or may need to expand the courtroom. You create more jobs for the country.

You may say it waste taxpayers' money. True! But Governments don't give a damn to spent, who gives a damn to be in Casino. Of course, you need to do the math if you lose one day's pay for going to the court you should think it twice.
我的情况跟你一样,也在犹豫要不要plea of guilty。在没有意识的情况下,40限速开到52。同一个地方连收两张,中间差一天。最近老经过那里,搞不好后面还会接到同样的罚单。

亲身经历啊 去年我401被抓 说测到156 当当时警察什么也没说就让我走了开了一张直接上court 的票。
有的时候开车,为了安全,必须要超速 也就是一两秒的事情,真的是跟危险驾驶 一点都没有关系。
拖了一年多上个月电话来,结果仅罚150块钱 扣分就有效2年 从拿罚单那天算起,所以我也没剩几个月了。他是这么跟我说的,
我是记录很好吧 每年平均一次超速罚单没有车祸。保险公司从来也没有加过钱。
亲身经历啊 去年我401被抓 说测到156 当当时警察什么也没说就让我走了开了一张直接上court 的票。
有的时候开车,为了安全,必须要超速 也就是一两秒的事情,真的是跟危险驾驶 一点都没有关系。
拖了一年多上个月电话来,结果仅罚150块钱 扣分就有效2年 从拿罚单那天算起,所以我也没剩几个月了。他是这么跟我说的,
我是记录很好吧 每年平均一次超速罚单没有车祸。保险公司从来也没有加过钱。
你可能被忽悠的直接认罪了,stunt driving conviction. 去交通部可查到记录。
我的情况跟你一样,也在犹豫要不要plea of guilty。在没有意识的情况下,40限速开到52。同一个地方连收两张,中间差一天。最近老经过那里,搞不好后面还会接到同样的罚单。

巴屯 Longfields dr 靠近公交车站附近,有一个雷达测速仪,限速40km,不幸得到一个53km 的罚单,考虑到疫情其间,办事不方便,选了第一选项,online 交了85元包邮罚款了事。