当前危险委员会 Committee on the Present Danger(CPD)


First CPD (1950s):苏联 On 12 December 1950,
Second CPD (1970s):苏联 On 11 November 1976
Third CPD (2004):反恐In June 2004

Fourth CPD (2019):中国 on March 25, 2019


Members of the Fourth CPDEdit
Member NameTitle
Kennedy, BrianChairman;
Former President, Claremont Institute; President of American Strategy Group
Gaffney, FrankVice Chairman;
Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy; President and CEO, Save the Persecuted Christians
Bannon, SteveFormer Chief Strategist to President Trump; former Chairman, Breitbart News
Bennett, WilliamFormer Secretary of Education; former Drug Czar
Blumenthal, DanDirector of Asian Studies, the American Enterprise Institute
Berkowitz, PaulFormer Professional Staff Member, United States House Committee on Armed Services
Bosco, JosephFellow at the Institute for Corean-American Studies (ICAS) and Institute for Taiwan-American Studies (ITAS);
Former China Country Desk Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defens
Boykin, William G.Former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; former Commander, Delta Force
Cardenas, JoséFormer Acting Assistant Administrator of US AID; former NSC, State Department official
Chang, Gordon
Charles, RobertFormer Assistant Secretary of State; former White House official; naval intelligence officer
Cooper, HenryFormer Director, Strategic Defense Initiative; former Ambassador, Defense and Space Talks
Corr, AndersFormer civilian staff member for U.S. military intelligence on China; published editor
deGraffenreid, Kenneth E.Former Special Assistant to the President for Intelligence
Eftimiades, NicholasFormer analyst in the CIA, State Departmentand DIA; Visiting Research Fellow at King's College, London
Fanell, JamesFormer Director of Intelligence and Information Operations, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Fisher, RichardSenior Fellow, International Assessment and Strategy Center
Freeman, KevinAuthor; host of Economic War Room with Kevin Freeman
Fu, BobPastor; President, China Aid
Gibson, RosemarySenior Advisor, The Hastings Center; author, China Rx
Goldman, David P.Columnist, Asia Times
Gore, Chadwick R.Former Staff Director, European Subcommittee, House Foreign Affairs Committee;
Fellow, Defense Forum Foundation
Han, LianchaoVice President, Citizen Power Initiatives for China, Visiting Fellow at the Hudson Institute;
One of the founders and vice-president of the Independent Federation of Chinese Students and Scholars
Helprin, MarkBest-selling author and essayist; Senior Fellow, Claremont Institute
Higgins, RichSenior Fellow, Unconstrained Analytics; former Program Manager, Irregular Warfare, Department of Defense
Huessy, PeterPresident of Geostrategic Analysis
Karber, PhillipPresident of the Potomac Foundation; former Director, Defense Department's Strategic Concepts Development Center
Knezevic, RatkoBoard Member and Chief Strategic Officer, Aiteo Group
Kwast, Stevenretired United States Air Force lieutenant general
Lin, Seansurvivor of Tiananmen Square massacre, director of Viral Disease Laboratory at Walter Reed
Lopez, ClareFormer Clandestine Service Officer, CIA; Vice President, Center for Security Policy
Martin, Rod D.Former Senior Advisor to the founder of PayPal;
Founder and CEO of the Martin Organization
McCoy, TidalFormer Acting Secretary of the Air Force
Manning, RichardPresident, Americans for Limited Government
McEwen, RobertFormer Member of Congress from Ohio; Executive Director, Council for National Policy
McInerney, ThomasFormer Assistant Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force
Mills, JohnFormer Director, Cybersecurity Policy, Strategy, and International Affairs, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Mitchell, GregCo-Chairman, International Religious Freedom Roundtable
Mosher, StephenPresident of the Population Research Institute
Nagle, ChetFormer naval aviator and Defense Department official; former Director, Committee on the Present Danger
Perry, ScottCongressman
Peters, BenedictBusinessman, entrepreneur and energy industry pioneer; CEO of Aiteo Group
Prentice, MilesAttorney, entrepreneur
Pry, PeterFormer CIA analyst; former Executive Director, Congressional EMP Threat Commission
Schneider, MarkFormer Senior Executive Service official, Department of Defense; former Foreign Service Officer
Scholte, SuzanneSeoul Peace Prize Laureate;
President, Defense Forum Foundation; Chair, North Korea Freedom Coalition
Sellin, LawrenceFormer business executive, medical researcher; combat veteran
Stokes, MarkExecutive Director, Project 2049 Institute
Thayer, BradleyFellow at the Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and St. Antony's College, Oxford; former DOD staff member
Timperlake, EdMarine aviator, former Assistant Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs
Waldron, ArthurLauder Professor of International Relations, University of Pennsylvania
Waller, MichaelVice President for Government Relations, Center for Security Policy
Wolf, FrankFormer Member of Congress
Woolsey, R. James, Jr.Former Director of CIA; former Under Secretary of the Navy
Yang, JianliPresident, Citizen Power Initiatives for China; Former political prisoner of China;
Survivor of Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989


The fourth iteration of CPD, focused on China, has been criticized as promoting a revival of Red scare politics in the United States, and for its ties to conspiracy theorist Frank Gaffney and conservative activist Steve Bannon.





美国战略集团的主席肯尼迪(Brian Kennedy)是这个叫做“ 应对中国威胁委员会”(Committee on the Present Danger: China)的主席。他在星期一举行的新闻发布会上表示,建立这个委员会的目的是要帮助美国意识到中国对美国所构成的各种常规和非常规威胁并思考如何抵御这种威胁。

他说:“‘ 应对中国威胁委员会’是一个完全独立和跨党派的努力,以教育美国民众和政策制定者了解来自中共统治下的中国的生存性威胁。它的目的是解释中国的军力建设、他们积极展开的信息战与政治战、他们的商业战、网络战以及经济战所带来的范围广泛的威胁。”


该委员会的副主席、安全政策中心的执行主席加夫尼(Frank Gaffney)在会上特别强调了中国对美国构成威胁的程度之大与范围之广。







“ 应对中国威胁委员会”目前有40多位创始会员,包括前政府官员、国会议员、智库成员以及宗教和人权活动人士。在冷战时期,美国的一些保守派人士也成立过类似的委员会,只不过那时候针对的是苏联。

莉雅 - 美国之音记者/特约评论员简介 - 美国之音中文网



龚小夏 2019年3月26日 8:09
