新闻报道 the vacancy rate in Ottawa rose to 3.9 per cent in 2020
307,000 x 3.9% = 11,973套 (1万套左右房子空置)
尽管如此,查空置房的难度 还是远远大于 抓汽车超速的难度
所以 市政府只希望 抓住 其中 的 1,500/11,973 = 12.5% 空置房 收取空置税
the new tax would generate about $6.6 million in its first year, based on an assumption of 1,500 vacant units.
新闻报道,市政府打算每年花1.3M查空置房,相关费用 来自 收取的空置税
The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) said the vacancy rate in Ottawa rose to 3.9 per cent in 2020 from 1.8 per cent in 2019
All 307,000 homeowners in Ottawa would have to sign a declaration from the city stating whether their home is occupied or not.
Staff estimate it would cost $3.5 million over 2.5 years to launch the proposed program, after which the ongoing operating costs would be $1.3 million per year, funded by the revenue generated from the tax itself.
The City of Ottawa's finance and economic development committee has approved a plan to develop a tax rate on vacant residential properties, in a bid to encourage property owners to occupy or rent their homes.