- 地址
- K1V 1B3
非常好的地段 整套出租 每个房间宽敞明亮 地上三层楼洋房加地下室 4个卧室 可停4部车 都是木地板 中央空调。 到卡尔顿,渥大,Algonquin College都方便, 9月1日入住。$2299月租 有电器。交通极为方便。有deck, 有院子。 步行到各种超市银行饭店。地点: Ottawa, ON, K1V 1B3 非常适合家庭或者几位大学生的group。
电话Tel: 613-3664723 短信Text: 613-9030961(可从中国发 +001)Email: mwpmcompany@gmail.com 微信: futurescience1 $2299月租 整套出租 不是租整套不要询问
(图中家具不包括 不带家具 。 图中冰箱 电炉烤箱 洗衣机烘干机 洗碗机包括.)
Available September 1, 2021. Hampstead Pl, Ottawa, ON, K1V 1B3.
4 bedrooms semi-detached house. 2.5 bathrooms. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher included. Fenced backyard. Central air conditioner. Steps to all supermarkets, shops, restaurants, banks. Bus stops very close to house. Very convenient to Carleton University, University of Ottawa, St-Paul University, Algonquin, Cite College. Suitable for family, students and diplomat. Fenced backyard. Can park 4 cars
Tel: 613 3664723. Text: 613 9030961 Email: mwpmcompany@gmail.com If email, please briefly about the potential tenants and pets info, which is appreciated.
(The furniture are not included. Tenants need own furniture.)
电话Tel: 613-3664723 短信Text: 613-9030961(可从中国发 +001)Email: mwpmcompany@gmail.com 微信: futurescience1 $2299月租 整套出租 不是租整套不要询问
(图中家具不包括 不带家具 。 图中冰箱 电炉烤箱 洗衣机烘干机 洗碗机包括.)
Available September 1, 2021. Hampstead Pl, Ottawa, ON, K1V 1B3.
4 bedrooms semi-detached house. 2.5 bathrooms. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, dishwasher included. Fenced backyard. Central air conditioner. Steps to all supermarkets, shops, restaurants, banks. Bus stops very close to house. Very convenient to Carleton University, University of Ottawa, St-Paul University, Algonquin, Cite College. Suitable for family, students and diplomat. Fenced backyard. Can park 4 cars
Tel: 613 3664723. Text: 613 9030961 Email: mwpmcompany@gmail.com If email, please briefly about the potential tenants and pets info, which is appreciated.
(The furniture are not included. Tenants need own furniture.)
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