本人在加蒂諾有棟房子交由管理公司出租已五年,最近想要賣掉,在租約到期前三個月,已經告知管理公司,租戶也答應到期前搬出。以下是交屋後,發現全屋家具被偷,牆壁毀損。詢問管理公司,卻說他們可以處理掉我們的家具,然後冰箱爐子(五年內)也不見了,管理公司說都壞了,住戶自己買新的,然後如果我們再囉嗦,客戶就可以再住一年,還可以要我們賠償. 這還有天理嗎,五年來只租1300,從未漲過房租,有人可以提供意見嗎
We entrusted the house to you for rent. As a result, you asked the tenant to make our house like this. The tenant must be responsible for repairing the broken walls. My refrigerator and stove were in good shape when they first entered the house. The tenant must compensate for the damage also the tenant is responsible for making up for the damage to the walls. I never knew that they would buy it again. The new refrigerator and stove are used by tenants who have broken my refrigerator and stove. You must show evidence that my refrigerator and stove are naturally broken, and the tenant has bought a new one by themselves, otherwise you are fraud and the tenant is stealing.
Hi again Ryan,
I am fraud !! please chose your words carefully !!
respectfully we are not frauds the tenant did not steal your devices!
You left the your used fridge and stove in the house,after discussion we decided (you and us) to not included in the lease so if they break, you are not and you don't want to be responsible to replace them. Well the fridge and stove broke so the tenant both their own. As for the walls, they were patched and these are regular maintenance when you rent your property.
The tenant to agree to leave the house so that you can sell it more quickly. If she are would have been badly intensified she could have decided to stay for the next year, she showed understanding and left by not asking you for compensation .
you would have no difficulty in selling the property presently the house it sells very well even more than the asking price whether it is fitted or not.
the tenant will spend the next two weeks to complete the exterior cleaning
We entrusted the house to you for rent. As a result, you asked the tenant to make our house like this. The tenant must be responsible for repairing the broken walls. My refrigerator and stove were in good shape when they first entered the house. The tenant must compensate for the damage also the tenant is responsible for making up for the damage to the walls. I never knew that they would buy it again. The new refrigerator and stove are used by tenants who have broken my refrigerator and stove. You must show evidence that my refrigerator and stove are naturally broken, and the tenant has bought a new one by themselves, otherwise you are fraud and the tenant is stealing.
Hi again Ryan,
I am fraud !! please chose your words carefully !!
respectfully we are not frauds the tenant did not steal your devices!
You left the your used fridge and stove in the house,after discussion we decided (you and us) to not included in the lease so if they break, you are not and you don't want to be responsible to replace them. Well the fridge and stove broke so the tenant both their own. As for the walls, they were patched and these are regular maintenance when you rent your property.
The tenant to agree to leave the house so that you can sell it more quickly. If she are would have been badly intensified she could have decided to stay for the next year, she showed understanding and left by not asking you for compensation .
you would have no difficulty in selling the property presently the house it sells very well even more than the asking price whether it is fitted or not.
the tenant will spend the next two weeks to complete the exterior cleaning