世界卫生组织今年初的新冠病毒溯源调查报告被批替中共发声,世卫被迫准备新一轮调查。美媒披露,因中共拒绝配合世卫,美国政府随后下令情报部门启动病毒溯源调查。而中共外交部的相关回应,似乎印证了该消息属实。 5月26日,美国总统拜登下令,要求情报机构news.creaders.net
Respectfully request:
@ 草头将军, when has WHO requested 新一轮调查? Please post your creditable links. If your post was based on < 新唐人> only, it has little credibility and should be ignored as disinformation.
@ 向问天. do your research before jumping to a conclusion. if you have done enough researches and believe WHO has requested 新一轮调查, please post your links.
If WHO has not requested any 新一轮调查, where are those "肯定拒绝, 必须拒绝" from?