重磅: 新学年安省高中数学教育重大改革, 取消academic/applied分流,强调革命化,自由平等化,人道化


取消academic applied分流(STREAMING)的结果就是为了照顾原来APPLIED的学生,而在客观内容方面降低难度

Ontario removes streaming in new Grade 9 math curriculum. Here’s what will change​

Katherine DeClerq
Katherine DeClerqMulti-Platform Writer, CTV News Toronto
@KateDeClerq Contact
Published Wednesday, June 9, 2021 12:02PM EDT



TORONTO -- The Ontario government has unveiled a new Grade 9 math curriculum set to begin in the fall that would see academic and applied streams merge with a focus on coding and financial literacy.
The new programming was announced on Wednesday and is expected to go into effect in September.
The most notable change in the curriculum is an end to the academic and applied math streams. High school students in Ontario typically have to choose between more practical, hands-on applied courses or more theoretical academic courses in core subjects.

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However, advocates have long argued that streaming ends up dividing students rather than providing them more options and disproportionately impacts racialized and low-income students.
In September 2021, all Grade 9 students will take the same math course, whether they are in an English or French language program. Officials say that the goal of the curriculum will be to ensure students are prepared for all options in Grade 10 and 11.
“I think it's fair to say that the rules have changed, the economy has changed, the job market has changed, so should the curriculum that informs and inspires your child,” Education Minister Lecce told reporters at a virtual news conference.
“This is going to help young people make the best decisions for their lives then inform them about the skill sets that they need.”
The government has said it will be providing school boards with $2.9 million in funding to prepare students for the transition to the new de-streamed math course and to address learning loss. Officials say that one-on-one online tutoring services will be available.
The new curriculum will build off concepts modified for Grade 1 to Grade 8 students last year, including socio-emotional learning, data and financial literacy and coding.
Here’s what students and parents can expect in September:
Strand A: Social-emotional learning and mathematical thinking
This was a theme presented in the 2020 math curriculum and focuses on giving children the confidence they need to learn and think critically. Officials say that it is meant to “offer opportunities to build healthy relationships and develop a healthy mathematical identity” while recognizing sources of stress.
The new curriculum will also connect mathematics to real-life problem-solving skills.
Strand B: Numbers
Students will gain a better understanding of the way numbers can be written and used to solve problems, including fractions, decimal numbers, integers, percentages, ratios, rates and proportions.
Strand C: Algebra

Students will work with algebraic expressions and equations, as well as linear and non-linear relations. Officials say that coding skills will be applied to understand complex mathematics, find patterns and make predictions.
Strand D: Data
Students will learn how to collect, store and use data. They will also examine how data is used to inform decisions and solve problems in real-life situations.
Strand E: Geometry and Measurement
Students will learn about geometric properties and their real-life applications, including units of measurements.
Strand F: Financial Literacy
This is a continuation of the Grade 1 to Grade 8 financial literacy strands, in which students were asked to demonstrate an understanding of Canadian currency, financial management and consumer awareness.
In Grade 9, students will analyze a variety of financial situations to explain how mathematics can be applied. They will also learn about interest rates and other factors that can impact purchases.
The Ministry of Education says it has been meeting with school boards and community partners to ensure they have supports for the new curriculum. This includes educator guides, overview videos and webinars, which will be available throughout the rest of the month.
Officials said they do not expect educators to go to the webinars during the summer break.
The Ministry of Education did not say whether students and parents should expect a removal of streaming in other courses or grades in the future.



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New curriculum claims to address historical use of math to "normalize racism" and "marginalization of non-Eurocentric knowledge"

Author of the article:
Denette Wilford, Bryan Passifiume
Publishing date:
Jul 10, 2021 • 18 hours ago • 1 minute read • 394 Comments
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It’s apparently about more than just the numbers.



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Changes to Ontario’s math curriculum announced last year by Education Minister Stephen Lecce will include a ‘subjective’ and ‘decolonial’ approach to mathematics, according to documents posted on the ministry’s website.

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“Mathematics is often positioned as an objective and pure discipline,” reads a section of an online brief highlighting the ‘vision and goals’ of the updated curriculum.

“However, the content and the context in which it is taught, the mathematicians who are celebrated, and the importance that is placed upon mathematics by society are subjective.”

Math, it continues, has been “used to normalize racism and marginalization of non-Eurocentric mathematical knowledges,” and explains that taking a “decolonial” and “anti-racist approach” to teaching math will outline its “historical roots and social constructions” to students.



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“The Ontario Grade 9 mathematics curriculum emphasizes the need to recognize and challenge systems of power and privilege, both inside and outside the classroom, in order to eliminate systemic barriers and to serve students belonging to groups that have been historically disadvantaged and underserved in mathematics education,” the brief continues.

Minister Lecce previously announced the new curriculum will bring early math streaming to an end, a practice he says created barriers for racialized and historically marginalized groups.

Teachers will be required to promote cross-curricular learning and human rights to create “anti-racist, anti-discriminatory learning environments.”

They are also encouraged to incorporate culturally specific examples that highlight First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures, histories and current realities to “infuse Indigenous knowledges and perspectives meaningfully and authentically” into the math program.

Caitlin Clark, spokesperson for Minister Lecce’s office, said the new curriculum represents one that reflects a changing world.

“We are taking action to ensure all children, especially those facing barriers to success, have meaningful pathways to quality learning, graduation, access to post-secondary education and good-paying jobs,” she said.