花事了 新手上路 注册 2002-03-17 消息 469 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-21 #2 Try the toy store on the third floor of Bayshore, they are selling some disney toys and cloths over there.
Try the toy store on the third floor of Bayshore, they are selling some disney toys and cloths over there.
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,618 荣誉分数 8,401 声望点数 373 2003-11-21 #3 卖玩具的地方都有卖的.Walmart的价格会比其他地方便宜一些.
Melody 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-02-24 消息 39,618 荣誉分数 8,401 声望点数 373 2003-11-21 #5 最初由 Martin 发布 我晕,难道不是满地都有么? 点击展开... 可怜的马丁GG刚才那一下下的后遗症还真挺重,得找P叔叔要不补偿去