gomugomu 新手上路 注册 2002-07-23 消息 190 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-24 #1 I have no experience in DC, want a 4 MB DC, will like to know how is NIKON 4300. Does anybody have used 4300 ?
I have no experience in DC, want a 4 MB DC, will like to know how is NIKON 4300. Does anybody have used 4300 ?
狮蝎子 Moderator 注册 2003-03-11 消息 3,582 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 0 2003-11-28 #2 i have a nikon 5400, and personally i don't think nikon has better lens than canon.
blesslola 西京食客 注册 2003-09-19 消息 2,127 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-29 #3 最近在HENRY‘S 买4系列和5系列的NIKON有ESPON的打印机送,很不错,到月底结束吧
gomugomu 新手上路 注册 2002-07-23 消息 190 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-29 #4 最初由 狮蝎子 发布 i have a nikon 5400, and personally i don't think nikon has better lens than canon. 点击展开... Thanks, 狮蝎子, do you think canon Digtal Cam have better performance in simular price and model comparing to Nikon? The only thing I realize is that more people use canon than nikon , and in simular models, canon could cost 50-100 dollars more than nikon.
最初由 狮蝎子 发布 i have a nikon 5400, and personally i don't think nikon has better lens than canon. 点击展开... Thanks, 狮蝎子, do you think canon Digtal Cam have better performance in simular price and model comparing to Nikon? The only thing I realize is that more people use canon than nikon , and in simular models, canon could cost 50-100 dollars more than nikon.
gomugomu 新手上路 注册 2002-07-23 消息 190 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-29 #5 最初由 我为数码狂 发布 最近在HENRY‘S 买4系列和5系列的NIKON有ESPON的打印机送,很不错,到月底结束吧 点击展开... Yes, and I get a even better deal than henery ( $100 less,without print) in 4系列, so I am eager to know if this is the right digital cam........ the photo quality, the battery, the duality .....
最初由 我为数码狂 发布 最近在HENRY‘S 买4系列和5系列的NIKON有ESPON的打印机送,很不错,到月底结束吧 点击展开... Yes, and I get a even better deal than henery ( $100 less,without print) in 4系列, so I am eager to know if this is the right digital cam........ the photo quality, the battery, the duality .....
M mikeydotnet 新手上路 注册 2003-11-01 消息 484 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-03 #8 最初由 gomugomu 发布 I have no experience in DC, want a 4 MB DC, will like to know how is NIKON 4300. Does anybody have used 4300 ? 点击展开... My friend is using this camera right now, she said it's consuming lots of power. For me, I prefer Canon A80, Minolta F300 or Pentax 450 in this price level
最初由 gomugomu 发布 I have no experience in DC, want a 4 MB DC, will like to know how is NIKON 4300. Does anybody have used 4300 ? 点击展开... My friend is using this camera right now, she said it's consuming lots of power. For me, I prefer Canon A80, Minolta F300 or Pentax 450 in this price level
gomugomu 新手上路 注册 2002-07-23 消息 190 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-04 #9 Re: Re: 数码相机 NIkon Coolpix 4300-is it good? 最初由 mikeydotnet 发布 My friend is using this camera right now, she said it's consuming lots of power. For me, I prefer Canon A80, Minolta F300 or Pentax 450 in this price level 点击展开... Thank you for the inform. I am looking at A80 right now.
Re: Re: 数码相机 NIkon Coolpix 4300-is it good? 最初由 mikeydotnet 发布 My friend is using this camera right now, she said it's consuming lots of power. For me, I prefer Canon A80, Minolta F300 or Pentax 450 in this price level 点击展开... Thank you for the inform. I am looking at A80 right now.
D DDDD 知名会员 注册 2002-04-09 消息 1,849 荣誉分数 61 声望点数 158 2003-12-05 #11 最初由 中国娃娃 发布 买我的5700吧!价钱还可以商量:blowzy: 点击展开... 我看再怎么商量差距还是很大的.
blesslola 西京食客 注册 2003-09-19 消息 2,127 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-12-08 #12 最初由 DDDD 发布 我看再怎么商量差距还是很大的. 点击展开...