小龙女 新手上路 注册 2002-01-16 消息 481 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-05-30 #18 hey, the last one looks very good, I like it! Riven, you can consider to put it at sleeve
wuwei 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-01-30 消息 11,781 荣誉分数 578 声望点数 273 2002-05-30 #19 最初由 小龙女 发布 hey, the last one looks very good, I like it! Riven, you can consider to put it at sleeve 点击展开... 对,最后一个好看,可惜是火龙。
最初由 小龙女 发布 hey, the last one looks very good, I like it! Riven, you can consider to put it at sleeve 点击展开... 对,最后一个好看,可惜是火龙。
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-05-30 #20 this oic is a little complicated. so maybe not have good results. the third one is so good, trust me and it represnts 5000 years civilization.
this oic is a little complicated. so maybe not have good results. the third one is so good, trust me and it represnts 5000 years civilization.
wuwei 初级会员 VIP 注册 2002-01-30 消息 11,781 荣誉分数 578 声望点数 273 2002-05-30 #21 最初由 patrickpei 发布 this oic is a little complicated. so maybe not have good results. the third one is so good, trust me and just looks like 5000 years civilization. 点击展开... 是的我同意第3个有特色,不过能印出腊染的效果就更好了
最初由 patrickpei 发布 this oic is a little complicated. so maybe not have good results. the third one is so good, trust me and just looks like 5000 years civilization. 点击展开... 是的我同意第3个有特色,不过能印出腊染的效果就更好了
C COWBOY Moderator 注册 2002-01-17 消息 3,865 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 168 2002-05-30 #23 这几条龙都是剪纸吧?! 那个红的叫什麽秦瓦图???--我忘了,问richard--.我们找了半天就是找不到素材 我只找到一条那样的龙,确实有点看不清,看起来更像麒麟
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-05-30 #24 最初由 wuwei 发布 ... 点击展开... it is not different to make wood templet, but how to make 腊染.
patrickpei 知名会员 注册 2002-02-09 消息 5,745 荣誉分数 60 声望点数 158 2002-05-30 #25 最初由 CowBoy 发布 这几条龙都是剪纸吧?! 那个红的叫什麽秦瓦图???--我忘了,问richard--.我们找了半天就是找不到素材 我只找到一条那样的龙,确实有点看不清,看起来更像麒麟 点击展开... yes, they all paper cut. paper cut r easy to print. for they have simplest lines and good connection.
最初由 CowBoy 发布 这几条龙都是剪纸吧?! 那个红的叫什麽秦瓦图???--我忘了,问richard--.我们找了半天就是找不到素材 我只找到一条那样的龙,确实有点看不清,看起来更像麒麟 点击展开... yes, they all paper cut. paper cut r easy to print. for they have simplest lines and good connection.
Martin Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-20 消息 7,497 荣誉分数 139 声望点数 193 2002-05-30 #26 最初由 patrickpei 发布 paper cut r easy to print. for they have simplest lines and good connection ... 点击展开... 看不出阿呸还挺有经验的啊!
最初由 patrickpei 发布 paper cut r easy to print. for they have simplest lines and good connection ... 点击展开... 看不出阿呸还挺有经验的啊!