收到一张speeding camera ticket

Is it just a matter of paying?:crying:
Pay 1st. Slow-down 2nd.
Check the date of the offence. "Under provincial regulation, tickets generated by photo radar must be sent to the vehicle owner within 23 days of the offence. The regulation assumes that the owner of the speeding vehicle will receive the ticket by mail or courier within seven days."


收到court的email,告诉我赶紧交钱,不要讲价了,这个ticket是一口价:***The Justice of the Peace CANNOT reduce the dollar amount of your ticket***

这是创收新项目, 多屯,喔村的头领对这些照相机的投资回报非常满意。现在政府窟窿很多, 他们肯定就是: 交钱, 赶紧的!