TJ Math Teachers Note 'Lowering of Standards'
Scores Fall Despite 'Easier' Tests Given to Students

TJ Math Teachers Note 'Lowering of Standards'
Scores Fall Despite 'Easier' Tests Given to Students

Read the full ‘Hi Math 4 Students’ email
Hi Math 4 Students,Congratulations on completing the TJ Math 4 course. We want to be transparent with you about the Final Exam. The average score across the board was in the low 70s with a substantial minority scoring below 50%. These scores are deeply disappointing, and are the lowest scores we’ve ever seen as Math 4 teachers on a Final Exam. The test that you took is substantially easier than the Final Exam given to previous students. Most questions were procedural, and very few were word and application questions. Plus, there was already a built in curve of 3 points. This is in the context of unprecedented supports provided to you this semester, including extra practice quizzes, bonus quizzes, practice worksheets, and a practice final exam, all things that were not given to previous students. We expected to see scores rise, not drop, with our lowering of standards.
- Less than 10% of you came to an 8th period tutoring session this year.
- More than 75% of you did not submit test corrections, and lost the opportunity for retake points.
- Many of you even forgot something as basic as the double angle identity. You just had to memorize it!
- Most of you struggled on problems that you yourselves created on the Practice Exam. Given you’ve already seen the problem, frankly, there was no excuse for forgetting how to do these questions.
We are not saying that you should spend hours and hours studying. That will not help you. Spending the time better will. If you are putting the work in as the course goes along, and not waiting until the night before the test to try to learn everything, we believe you will be more successful and actually enjoy your math classes more.
Here’s some ways you could have spend your time better:
- Reconsider how you used your homework assignments and the posted keys during this course. Did vou check your work carefully with the key?
- Did you go back and look at example problems for the problems you do wrong and then do some similar type problems until you felt confident?
- Did you ask questions about those problems in class? Did you highlight those problems as ones to review before the test?
- Did you use your tests and quizzes as a study resource? Did you make sure you UNDERSTOOD how to solve the problems that you lost points on? Many of you made the same mistakes on the final that you did on your unit assessments. Did you try reworking the problems you got wrong? This is the point of doing corrections – we don’t just encourage you to do these so that we have more things to grade!
- How did you use the extra resources posted in Schoology? You had access to videos on every lesson we taught, most of them by a different teacher (who may well say something in a way that clicks for you if you didn’t get it when your teacher explained it.) You had access to EVERY quiz and the cumulative problem sets from our virtual year. These were basically practice tests.
- Speaking of practice tests, we took an entire class period for you to write questions for a practice final, and then several hours compiling and formatting those questions. Did you use the practice final and the key? Many of you missed questions on the final that looked amazingly similar to questions on the practice final.
Finally, some advice:
- Pre-Curve, if you scored below a 60%, we strongly suggest that you retake TJ Math 4. You are not ready to move onto TJ 5. Please speak with your teacher about this.
- Pre-Curve, if you scored between 61% to 80%, you will have a difficult time in TJ 5 unless you change the way you study, and chance the way vou learn. You need to submit test corrections for every exam. You need to sign up for every 8th period with your teacher.
- Pre-Curve, if you scored above 80%, we are confident that you have the skills to succeed TJ5.
- If all you’re taking away from this email is “We’re getting a curve!’ and you immediately start calculating your grade, then you should know that you’re taking the wrong experience from TJ. You will not have a happy 4 years.

Your Math 4 Teachers