

每掉一根头发我就心痛得不得了. 我这几个月掉得太厉害了啊! 每天要掉上上50根. 地毯上都是我的头发! 哎. 这下惨了啊. 搞得我都没心情了.

大家有什么好方法治一下呢? :(
我两个月前已经不喝生水了, 不过还是掉得厉害.

不是50根. 是50根以上啊! 地上都是我的头发了. 哎!

还有我的睡眠很充足啊! :(
hahaha, you are right. it was very impressive to find so many people were bald when I came to canada, in schools, stores, and on streets. I don't know why...
什么I AM RIGHT啊?! 我都烦死了, 你还笑呢!
go to see your family doctor, he/she will refer you to some expert. Different cases have different treatment.
Welcome to the club! :D

Now I'm going to get serious. Actually there are roughly 2 types of balding:

1. Male-pattern balding, which is mostly on the back of the head, is treatable with drugs like Propecia, however it has very serious side effect including ED.

2. Frontal balding, which is receeding hairline or the classic horse-shoe pattern, is genetic, in other words, it is built in your DNA, thus, hair transplant is probably the only solution at this time.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Welcome to the club! :D

Now I'm going to get serious. Actually there are roughly 2 types of balding:

1. Male-pattern balding, which is mostly on the back of the head, is treatable with drugs like Propecia, however it has very serious side effect including ED.

2. Frontal balding, which is receeding hairline or the classic horse-shoe pattern, is genetic, in other words, it is built in your DNA, thus, hair transplant is probably the only solution at this time.

But most of the guys start balding from the top(centre).
What is this style? I am confused.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Welcome to the club! :D

Now I'm going to get serious. Actually there are roughly 2 types of balding:

1. Male-pattern balding, which is mostly on the back of the head, is treatable with drugs like Propecia, however it has very serious side effect including ED.

2. Frontal balding, which is receeding hairline or the classic horse-shoe pattern, is genetic, in other words, it is built in your DNA, thus, hair transplant is probably the only solution at this time.

这位美女, 我也是女的啊! :blowzy:

掉的不是同一个地方, 是整个头均匀的掉的. 我是长头发, 一掉真心疼啊!
That's frontal balding, unfortunately.